Blake sighed. “The same laws apply, except the constable can’t touch them. Husbands are requested to carry out the punishment. If they refuse, their pay is docked. Adjudicator requires proof so they get marched into his office to show their red bottoms.”

“Why are they treated differently?”

“Lysa, it’s not them who are treated differently, it’s you. The Corporation picked you, they gave you to me and when you’re finished here, they pay your bonus. Don’t you understand? Ultimately, they own you. It’s not something that I am comfortable with and it’s part of the reason I held back from marrying.”

Nobody would own her. The wives in the plant house called her a slut, a whore. One day, she would show them her independence and ambition. “I’m glad you changed your mind. Is that it?”

“I have a few rules to discuss of my own.”

Lysa tensed, removed her arms and slid off his lap. She’d read the contract in all its glory and Blake was entitled to his own personal rules to keep her in check. “What rules,” she murmured.

“No more pants, unless you’re working in the Green Dome. Yes?”

“Okay.” She didn’t have an issue with looking attractive for him.

“When I come home from work. You take off your panties.”

A tell-tale tingling sensation formed in her loins. She nodded.

“You will be naked in bed.”

She squished her legs together. “Yes, sir.”

“Once a week I will inspect you, ensure your anus is beautiful and pale. You will bend over and spread your cheeks, without backchat or complaints.”

She swallowed. “May I apply the bleaching cream from now on?”

He pursed his lips. “Yes. But be careful, and don’t be too liberal with it or else it will hurt.”

So far, nothing horrendous.

“If I suspect you are neglecting your chores, I will spank you.”

“I’ve plenty of time to do my chores,” she acknowledged. One habitat pod wasn’t going to keep her that busy, what with the sonic dishwasher and the dry cleaner to freshen up his work clothes.

“As for sexual service. I will train you for anal sex and you will suck my cock when I wish it and masturbate when I require it. You will ask permission to come.”

She wanted to touch her clitoris right then. “Why?”

“It will help keep you focused on the promise you made to me—to be the wife I desire.”

She had made that promise—a vow she might come to regret, but for the moment, his words heated her loins.

Blake continued. “I want a sexy, pleasing wife who is a pleasure to fuck. I know you’ve probably had a difficult time with sex, but I do want you to enjoy it too. Whatever happened in the past is over. You’re mine now and if it keeps you aroused all day, I will make you want sex, need it. Understood?”

Too much! Her belly fizzed with erotic excitement. She crawled back onto his lap and kissed his neck. “Yes, sir.”

“Go kneel on all fours on the bed and I will take you,” he whispered in her ear.

Lysa swung her hips as she walked towards the bed. He would see the bright red cheeks of her bottom and the juices trickling down her thigh. Once in position, she felt the bed give as her mighty husband knelt behind her and gripped her waist. The hard tip of his cock, which she’d clearly distinguished while sat on his lap, entered her. He glided into her slippery hole, unhindered by rigid muscles. She maintained an air of supreme relaxation and contentment, a challenge as she resisted the urge to climax.

Blake paused, inhaling deeply and exhaling, as if to savour her. Lysa spread her fingers wide, anchoring herself to the bed, ready to take his onslaught. She clenched her pussy around him, letting him know she could be used as he wished. His erection withdrew but the action was a false warning. He dug his fingertips into her tender flesh.

The second he rammed into her, she began to beg, imploring him to let her come.

* * *

Days passed in a blur as Lysa adapted to her new life on Colony 14. She worked in the Green Dome, doubling her quota of six hours within a week. She met other Corporate wives, however, it was Sym and Jen to whom she migrated for company and the most laughter. She visited them in the privacy of their pods. The men preferred the bar after the end of a shift, whereas wives kept their socialising hidden from the constable and his deputies, just in case he spotted some misdemeanour. So far, Lysa had yet to meet the man.