He changed his approach. No thunderous smacks echoed about the room. He rubbed her fiery cheeks and administered a few light-weight spanks, almost pats. She hung her head low, snivelling. When he rubbed his hand in a circle about a buttock, she groaned. “I’m trusting you to stay still.” He released his grip on her wrist, allowing it to flop to her side, then he lifted off his leg. She remained in place, bent over his lap, bottom raised and toes on the floor, balancing her body.

“Very good. If I ever have to spank you again, this is the position you take. No fighting me. Spread your legs a little.”

She shuffled them apart and he fingered her sex, sliding it up and down her sex. “You’re very wet.” He traced the outline of her anus, already the whitener had stripped the darker skin, leaving it pinker. His cock hardened and he continued to masturbate her. Her snivels turned to moans.

“Are you close to coming?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” she muttered.

“Tell me when.” He would make this part of her punishment. His foot continued to throb and her stamp would leave a nasty bruise.

She quivered on his lap, her feet tapping on the floor. “I’m…”

He withdrew his hand and gave a smack on her bottom. She yelped.

“Now, I’m going to ask you to stand up. Remove the rest of your clothes. You will make me dinner in the nude, so I can see your red bottom. You will eat naked, sat on your throbbing arse. Then, when I’m fed, we will discuss how to go forward following your revelation.” He had to show how strict he could be, but he hoped it would be the last time.

He helped her to her feet and she froze, rooted to the spot.

“Lysa?” He folded his arms across his chest. “I’m waiting.”

Chapter Six

Lysa’s legs resembled jelly and her bottom, a furnace. Blake had lit a terrible fire in each cheek and it blazed in an unrelenting fashion. Instead of abating, the burning pain grew, as layer upon layer of flesh awoke, registering the spanking. She wiped the back of her hand across her nose and sniffed.

“I’m waiting.”

She saw his foot and the purple mark forming on the surface above his toes. A small bruise compared to what would form on her backside. It would be so easy to hate him. The moment he started to spank, it had been her primary emotion.

But he’d called her stupid and he was right. She’d been so careful in her planning, submitted herself to sexual exploitation by mean executives who t

reated her like garbage. She’d undergone a humiliating medical examination with Blake watching. How could she not have read the bloody contract!

It was her fault. Once she accepted that, she’d stopped fighting him. Accepting he could spank her again for whatever misdeeds he determined had not sunk in yet. What truly annoyed her was her traitorous sex, urging her to orgasm while he seared her bottom. More humiliation to add to her existing quota.

Goddammit. She was a clever young woman with a rebellious streak and she’d let him take her over his knee and spank her.

She closed her eyes, swaying slightly. She could do this. All she had to do was stay out of trouble and nobody would spank her. Easy peasy. Except, she wasn’t very good at following rules, especially when she fundamentally disagreed with them. Obeying Blake was one thing, but kowtowing to the Corporation that banned women from studying and furthering their ambitions, heck no. She’d risk it if she thought it was necessary. She opened her eyes and Blake remained in his chair, head cocked to one side as if to assess her. He probably could see her mental anguish plastered on her face.

Goddammit again! Breaking Corporation rules was on thing, but disobeying her rather sexy husband, who’d given her permission to study and achieve her ambition? She’d rather not.

She undressed and stomped around the kitchen, hunting for something to reconstitute and serve Blake. Satisfied she was doing as he asked, he’d gone to wash and put on fresh clothes.

She laid out the dishes and when he reappeared, she gingerly lowered her bottom onto a chair. She gasped as the cold plastic encountered her toasted cheeks.

“Well done,” said Blake, picking up a spoon.

She picked at her food, hungry but without an appetite, she forced it down her throat while sipping on the minty water.

They ate in an awkward silence. Once finished and Blake had scraped his plate clean, he called up the contract on his private tablet and instructed her to read it. When she’d finished, he sat her on his lap and they talked. With no clothes on, she appreciated his warm body and calm voice as he allayed her fears.

“I just don’t see you as the type to get in trouble with the law,” he reassured. “You’re not going to spit on the ground, shoplift or daub the walls with graffiti, are you?”

She giggled. “No, not my style.”

“Keep your head down. Work in the Green Dome. Do that studying and never, ever talk about it with anyone, understood?”

“Yessir.” She curled up on his lap, the heat in her bottom dissipating and wrapped her arms about his neck. “Do lifers get punished too?”