“Lysa. I will not accept bad behaviour on your part. If you kick up a fuss about women’s rights on this colony, you will be in serious trouble, with me.”

She guffawed. “You wouldn’t spank me. I mean, it’s down to the constable, isn’t it?”

He shook his head slowly. “Oh no, wife. I have full rights to discipline you myself. The constable deals with Corporation rules. I have my own. They’re simple, Lysa. I will fuck you when I wish and spank you when you disobey me, in between we shall endeavour to be friends and support one another, just as I promised before Harkess.”

The anger boiled over. Lifting up her leg, she aimed her heel at his bare foot and stamped on it. “Nobody will ever spank me, not like that!”

Blake hopped. “Why you little minx. That was uncalled for.”

“What are you going to do about it?” she snarled, hands on her hips.

He placed his sore foot back on the ground and straightened up, his height towering over her. “Give your bare arse a good tanning, that’s what I’m going to do.”

* * *

Lysa scampered away from him, trapping herself in the corner of the kitchen. He strode over to her, scoop her up and flung her over his shoulder. She kicked her legs, pounded her fists on his back. They made no impression, he had a shield of protective muscle and her puny punches had no effect.

Blake pulled out a kitchen chair, dragged her off his shoulder and as he sat on the chair, he tossed her over his lap.

She screeched at him, calling him names. “You brute!”

“You’re only making things worse for yourself.”

How could Lysa have been so stupid! Not to read an important document, to understand the clauses. The mining colonies would not tolerate any insubordination at any level. Men may not be thrashed, but a hefty fine or losing their jobs kept them in place. Unemployed women needed a different approach—their husbands held them accountable for wrongdoing. As for the punishment block—he didn’t favour public canings and the constable was a man he despised. However, the laws were clear and Lysa had to understand he’d brook no nonsense.

He tugged down her pants and her panties, exposing her bare bottom. She tried to slap his hands out of the way, but it was futile on her part. He looped a leg over thighs and pinned her arm behind her back. She squirmed, kicked and attempted to lift her body off his lap, but she failed. His strength far outweighed her own.

“Calm down,” he ordered. “Fighting me is not going to make things easier for you.” It was going to take several hard smacks to make her understand her situation. Later, he would insist she read the contract and discuss any other issues in a sensible, adult fashion. Stamping on his foot, which still throbbed, he would not tolerate.

Her buttocks had lost the redness of the previous day’s playful spanking. This would be different. He intended to turn her cheeks crimson and ensure she got the message. He rested his hand on her back, holding her steady and waited for her to cease writhing on his lap.

Lysa’s head lolled and her shoulders sagged. “All right, if this is what you want to do, then get on with it,” she huffed.

“No, it isn’t what I want to do. It’s what is necessary.” He shook his head with disappointment.

He lifted his hand high and brought it down with a loud smack. The noise echoed around the room. She went quiet, as if shocked or unable to respond. He repeated the action on the other buttock cheek, leaving a pink handprint. With his hand raining down in rapid succession, her bottom turned from a shade of pink to a rich cherry colour.

She uttered sounds, like little whimpers as she jerked with each slap, but otherwise she kept position.

He separated her legs and inspected her sex. A wetness glimmered about her folds. Whatever negative thoughts rampaged through her head, her body had responded in a different fashion.

“I’m not stopping, yet,” he decided. “I’ll keep going until you accept my responsibilities and acknowledge them.”

He hesitated, waiting for her to give a response, but she remained silent, as if to contemplate his words. Blake sighed. “Very well.”

He added another dozen to the existing collection. During another pause, he heard a long sniff. He caught a glimpse of her face. Red puffy eyes and a snotty nose with tears streaking down her cheeks, dripping off her chin. He hated to see her so distressed. It wasn’t his goal, he wanted her to see beyond her foolish decision not to read the contract. She had to appreciate that as her husband, he had the authority to punish her.

“Do you accept I can punish you, Lysa?” He asked, holding his breath, hoping she would give him the correct response. “Please, Lysa, don’t make me keep spanking you.”

Her body relaxed. A layer of tension lifted. He no longer had to grip her wrist tightly and her legs lay still. “I’m going to keep going for a little longer, but not smack you hard. Okay?”

She nodded, peering over her shoulder at him.

“Say it, Lysa.”

Her long wet eyelashes blinked back at him. “Please spank me. Sir.”

“Good girl.”