“Just let me deal with them. I won’t involve you. With the bad weather, they’ll not venture out to Bockhampton. They might miss Rupert, I suppose.”

“It appears you are determined to keep me company.” He tipped her chin up and lowered his mouth to hers for a tantalising, brief kiss. “Very well. Let’s just hope that Kitty doesn’t go visiting your grandparents or else your ruse will be discovered. As for clothes, Oswald has a sister, now married and living in Yorkshire, and some of her old clothes hang in a wardrobe. They might fit you.”

“Thank you,” she said humbly. “Will I sleep here?”

He glanced around him. “My room is better. And the servants don’t care what I do.”

She beamed at him. “Then my promise to you won’t be broken.”

He grinned and slid his hand down his flat belly, the bulge in his breeches prominent, the buttons straining to contain his erection. Without being asked, she climbed onto the bed, crawled up it, and planted herself on all fours.

Elias stripped. His eagerness meant his clothes were left strewn across the floor. She tried hard to relax, knowing unnecessary tension would thwart her, and as she regulated her breathing, a sense of calm descended; she was exactly where she wanted to be. He knocked forward on to her hot arse, and her breasts swayed. With one firm thrust, he penetrated her, and the friction of his shaft burned as he drove forward, allowing her little time to adjust to his size.

“Is this how you like it?” he growled softly.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“After I’ve finished fucking you, you’re going to tell me why you like this, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she said. “I want to tell you why I’m such a whore.”

He paused his thrusts. “You’re not a whore, sweet Jenny. Oh no, far from it. But you are mine.”

Conjoined, they continued to move together with Elias slapping against her bottom while she rocked backwards to meet his thrusts. If there were discomforts, she ignored them, because she knew what was coming. He aided her by reaching under her belly and rubbing that sweet spot with exquisite accuracy. With one hand around her neck and the other guiding her to a delicious climax, he filled her with one long eruption and a satisfying cry of completion. Only then did they crashed down onto the mattress and embrace each other tightly.

She had concocted a bed of lies and dragged the rogue officer along with her deceits, just so she could feel his warmth in her belly and free herself from the strictures of her tedious life. She was addicted to his passion, she needed it, and if the hunger continued unabated, she was absolutely sure love would follow on and bring to their fiery relationship a bigger complication. Did he feel the same way about her, and if he did not, what would happen when they reached the Twelfth Night?

Chapter 8

“William Hockley comes from an extremely wealthy family of bankers,” explained Jenny.

“I’ve heard of the name.”

“Consequently, a dowry was not as important as heirs.” Jenny rolled onto her side to face Elias.

He wore a pensive expression of a man waiting to hear bad news. He had placed a cover across them after they had finished making love—she couldn’t bring herself to think of what they did as anything lewd in nature.

“The Hockleys can produce girls by the barrel load but not boys. William was the only male descendant, and his father, a very traditional man, believes only males are of real value. My godmother, Lucretia, suggested my name to him, and William came calling.”

“You liked him?”

“I thought I did,” she murmured. For a while they had been sweet to each other, and he had treated her kindly. “After I turned eighteen, he became more ardent in his passion for me and claimed, and I in my innocence believed him, that it was necessary for him to prove he was not impotent.”

“He claimed your virginity on that basis?” Elias said, aghast at the nature of her deflowering.

Jenny lowered her eyes. The embarrassment was almost too much to bear. “He also wanted to ensure I was with child before we married. The pressure on him was great.”

Elias scowled. “I would not assume to marry solely to produce heirs. He clearly did not love you.”

“So it became apparent. I tried to please him. He was most keen to plant his seed as often as he visited, and he took me to inns outside of London, presenting me as his wife, to secure his wish.”

“Did he hurt you?” Elias brushed aside a lock of her hair so he could see her face.

The first time had been hard, and the fumbling act was an embarrassment to them both. The pain was much less than her woeful ignorance, and having William explain to her where things went was in hindsight her weakness. She should have been better prepared, especially as she now realised that he had taken from her and had given nothing back in return.

“No. But now I realise that I had no understanding of the joy love-making should bring a woman. I felt nothing that stirred me to seek him out. He always came to find me.”

“Not quite how you have behaved with me, little lady.” He clucked his tongue but smiled.