“Do you enjoy spanking me?” she asked, curious as to his motives.

“Yes,” he said simply. “I would prefer though that it wasn’t as a consequence of foolishness or disobedience. Punishment is not always pleasurable. Will you disobey me again?”

She shook her head. “But I’m not going back.”

He frowned, raised his hand, and brought it down with a loud slap.

“Ow!” She blinked hard, unprepared for the change in his demeanour.

He rattled off two, three, oh gosh, four more smacks before pausing again. She was panting, breathless and utterly aroused. The firmer is manner, the more she seemed to revel in his attention.

“And how do you propose to explain your presence here? I’m trying to salvage your reputation, young lady.” When she kicked her feet, he held her steadfast.

“They don’t know Kitty is away, so I lied…a little.” She groaned, knowing she was about to receive a few more well-aimed slaps on her already overheated bottom.

He briskly delivered another four followed by a divine set of rubs that drifted lower and into the deep parting of her bottom. He was punishing her with a game, and she was starting to understand the rules. She needed to confess more to enable the pain and pleasure to continue.

“I…I intend to write to them. I shall explain that Kitty is sick and I will stay at her house to nurse her until she is better.” She screwed her eyes shut and braced herself.

“Dear, dear.” He tut-tutted. “What a liar you have become since meeting me. Or have you always been so?”

“Oh no” she declared earnestly. “Only since I’ve met you…oh.” She had fallen into his trap perfectly.

Elias chuckled as he criss-crossed her beleaguered arse with another spray of spanks. “There, there,” he said, almost sweetly. “You’ve two fine red cheeks to admire.”

She buried her face in her hands—the embarrassment was equal to the pain.

“So, my girl, you’ve lied to your grandparents and constructed a story to enable you to stay with me for the duration of your promise. Does your Aunt Kitty know?”

“No,” she admitted. “But she always takes to her bed for at least a week whenever she is ill. I doubt if my grandparents will suspect anything.”

“And you wish to stay with me?”

“Oh, please, sir,” she implored.

“Without any clothes?”

She had not thought of the inconvenience to her person. “Will I need any?”

He laughed. She risked a peek at him. His rosy cheeks were as warm as her own. She joined in his merriment.

“I think that is sufficient spanking…for now.”

He offered her a stern stare, and immediately her wet core


“This deceit of yours is quite despicable.”

He helped her off his lap, and she slid onto her knees at his feet, clutching her hot bottom. She rested there.

“Don’t send me back,” she whispered. “I’m so bored.”

“Ah, now you’re being honest.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I’m bored, too. Oswald has no sense of numbers, and the servants are useless. I have to be back at the barracks in Weymouth in two weeks and I’ve much to do here.”

“Then let me help you,” she offered.

“And your grandparents?”