I turn to face Bishop, searching his eyes. “You orchestrated that?”

Bishop doesn’t answer, his eyes searching mine. “What do you think?”

I sip from my glass. “Were all of you in on that?”

Bishop smiles. “Look at Nate, he’s about to rip everyone to pieces. You really think he would sign off on that? No. Just me. You wanted to play?” he asks, his eyes darkening. “Then it’s time to play. Get rid of Madison.”


“Mads?” I lean into her, whispering in her ear as the music dies out and Hector takes center stage. I’m sucked away from what I’m supposed to be doing as the lights cut out and a spotlight beams down on Hector.

My breathing gets heavy, anger simmering to the surface.

He smiles, the wrinkles on his face only making him more attractive. His tattoos sneak out from beneath his suit, his hair shaved close on the sides and long on the top. There’s evil, and then there’s Hector Hayes. There’s a reason why he is the way he is, and that’s because he rules with a soulless body. He’s old school and doesn’t care for any other loyalties but The Kings.

“Does he know about Abel?” I ask Bishop through a whisper.

Bishop grins. “No.”

My phone vibrates and I pull it out from under the table. There’s nothing from Nate, but one from a random number.

I’ve left with your moans echoing in my ear. Wanna finish what we started?

I smirk, my lips curling in. Is this the text I’m supposed to be waiting on?

I wait for a text but end up putting my phone back in my clutch when someone kicks me under the table. My eyes fly to Nate, who’s glaring at me.

I don’t look away, I don’t budge.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I mutter, not giving a shit that Hector is mid-speech.

I stand and quickly dodge through the tables and chairs, heading straight for the little hallway that has the restroom sign illuminated. Rushing through the ladies’ room, the only girl who is in there quickly leaves, and I lean over the counter, my hand resting on my stomach. What am I doing? Could I sleep with someone else? Even though Nate has hurt me in ways that I have never been hurt. I need to pull my shit together.

I turn the tap on just as the door swings open and Nate is standing there, glaring at me.

“Get out,” I say, flicking my eyes back to the mirror.

He’s behind me in a flash, spinning me around to face him. His hand comes to my throat as he shoves me against the wall roughly. “Who the fuck do you think you’re playing with, Tillie?” he asks, his fingers flexing around my throat.

“I’m not playing with you, Nate!” I yell. “I’m fucking tired of your back and forth!”

I shove him, but he doesn’t budge. He spreads my legs with one knee as his other hand comes to my leg, his fingers gripping around my upper thigh. My eyes close as I internally talk myself down from the heat he’s thrashing into me. His mouth touches the side of my neck as his hand goes all the way around and his fingertips brush against my pussy. He dips one finger inside and I lose my footing, but he releases my neck and catches me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He chuckles, but it’s low and dark. “You’re fucking wet for him?”

I freeze, fear slipping into my bones. “No—” I start to say, but he brings the finger that was inside of me to my mouth, shoving it between my lips. I bite his finger and his eyes slant as his other fingers wrap around my cheeks forcefully.

“Bite it again and see what happens.”

I bite it again.

He drops me to the floor and spins me around, pressing me into the bathroom counter.

He lifts my dress from the bottom and slaps my bare ass. Grabbing at my hair, he yanks my head up.

“Look at yourself in the mirror, Tillie.”

I feel as his fingers slip into me again from behind. I blush at the invasion. Not because it’s embarrassing, but because it feels so good. “Next time you think you want to get your pussy wet for someone else, I want you to remember this moment…”

I tense around his fingers, and he grins from behind his mask. He unzips himself and rubs the tip of his cock over my opening before sinking inside.

I moan, finding something to grip onto on the counter but failing and reaching for the tap. His other hand comes to the front of my throat. “Is this what you wanted? To be fucked in a bathroom like a cheap bitch looking for fresh cock?” His words sting, but I block them out. “Then I’ll fuck you in a bathroom like a cheap bitch.”