He thrashes into me relentlessly, his cock hitting my cervix with every movement. I feel my stomach curl, my orgasm so ashamedly close. My muscles tense briefly before my tension releases, my cum dripping all over his dick. He slows, emptying himself inside of me. He pulls back, and now that the tension has changed, I stand up straight, smoothing out my dress. Shit. What have I done? My throat throbs as I realize I’ve just let him have his way with me, but I don’t have to be a victim to my feelings, because I’m not a fucking victim.

I run the tip of my finger over my eyebrow and turn to face him as he zips himself up. “You’re right, Nate, I was wet for him.” He stills, but I remain strong. “And you fucking me in a bathroom like a cheap bitch isn’t going to stop the fact that I might fuck him too. Excuse me.”

I shove past him, but he yanks me back by my arm and slams me back against the wall again, with his hand pressing against my throat. I don’t give him anything.

“You go near anyone else and I’ll kill them.”

I smirk. “Fine by me. Just make sure it’s after I’ve fucked their brains out.”

Then I shove him out of the way and straighten my shoulders. Time to get back to why I’m really here, and the answer to that is—I stop once I reenter the ballroom, seeing Madison and Bishop gone from the table.

“Fuck’s sake.” I quickly make my way back to the table and grab my clutch. Stopping, I lean down to talk with Brantley.

“You smell like sex and I’m feeling left out.” Brantley smirks behind his glass.

Hector is no longer talking shit, now it’s another man dressed in a suit and looking like another rich fucker in this world.

“Where’s Bishop and Madison?” I ask, ignoring his jab.

Brantley shrugs. “Madison ran out and he chased her, I think.”

I see Nate take his spot back at the table, but I ignore him, standing and making my way back to the main lobby of the hotel. I dial Madison, but her phone goes to voicemail.

“What the fuck!” I bring my phone back down just as Madison’s name flashes over the screen. “Thank god!” I answer. “Whe—”

“—Tillie. I need you to help me.” Her tone is impassive, which is a contradiction to the words she used.

“Done. Where are you?”

“Take the elevator to the twenty-first floor. And come alone, okay?”

“Okay… are you alone?”

“…No,” she answers, and I hang up quickly when I catch Nate and a few of The Kings coming my way.

I quickly run to the elevator, pressing the ‘up’ button one-thousand times in a second.

“Come on. Come on.”

Bishop must be with her, that’s why she’s not alone.

The doors ding and open in the slowest time ever. I turn to the left to see Nate and Brantley glaring at me, and then jogging fast. I quickly push level twenty.

They’ll know if I stop on the twenty-first floor. I’ll have to take the stairs up to the next level. The soft music does nothing to calm my erratic thoughts. What the hell is going on? The elevator dings and I dash out hastily, scanning up and down the long hallway until I see the stairway exit. I rush through and yank the door open, climbing the stairs while picking up the hem of my dress. My phone starts ringing again, Nate’s name flashing over the screen. I hit ignore. It starts ringing again just as I reach the door to level twenty-one.

When I see it’s Madison’s name flashing over the screen, I hit answer. “I’m here!”

“Room four-oh-one.”

Then she hangs up.

I swear to God.

I yank open the door to the stairwell and find 401 easily, gripping the door handle.

“It’s me!” I knock against the door softly.

She opens it and the first thing I notice is that she’s crying.

The second thing I notice is that she’s holding a knife.

And the third thing I notice is that there’s blood dripping over her hands.


“Where the fuck!” I launch my fist into the wall, pacing back and forth down the hallway of the twentieth floor. The elevator dings and both Brantley and I turn toward it, only finding Bishop, Eli, Cash, and Hunter spilling out.

“Did you find her?” Bishop asks, his eyes flying around all of us.

“What? Tillie? No. She fuck—”

“—not Tillie, Madison.” Bishop goes back and forth, anger rippling from him.

My eyes go to him, suddenly suspicious of just what the fuck these two girls could be getting themselves into.

“Wait, they’re together?”

“I’m guessing so.” Bishop grabs at his hair and yanks at it in frustration. “I chased Madison out, but by the time I reached the lobby, she had fucking disappeared.”

“Remind me to not let my future woman anywhere near those two misfits. I ain’t even playin’.” Eli shakes his head, smirking.