“Okay!” I rolled over on top of her and slid into her still wet pussy. It’s only been about five hours since I had her last and she was still wet with my seed. Wet, soft and warm. Like only a well-fucked snatch can be.

She wrapped her short legs around my ass and opened the pussy a little wider to take my length. I have to say for someone so young, who’s only had one sexual partner before me, she can take a dick.

My monster tops off at twelve and a half by four and three quarters. The first time I hit it I thought she was gonna die. She screamed so fucking loud I expected to hear sirens next.

But in the last two months since we’ve been fucking, she’s gotten better at taking the snake. In fact she seems addicted to the shit, wanting to fuck every spare minute.

Now don’t get it twisted, we don’t carry on in front of the kids and all that other shit. But since they’re not here for two weeks and she lives here, well. Opportunity knocks.

I felt a way at first, fucking her while she’s my employee and relying on me for a roof over her head, but it’s not like that. She’s an adult, I’m an adult and we liked each other from the jump.

The first time she turned to me for dick I got over any feelings that I might be taking advantage. Like I said, she knows what she wants and ain’t afraid to make it known.


I get the feeling, like me, she hadn’t expected shit to go the way it’s been going. That we really like each other in and out of bed, but she’s playing it safe, same as me.

So though we don’t flaunt the shit and we haven’t announced to the world that we’re an item, we’re looking more and more like a couple with each passing day.

Although we spend most of our time together fucking, we do find time to do other things, but we always end up back here with me buried balls deep in her sweet as fuck gash.

I realize that I don’t like sharing her. By that I mean, when she has study group and all that other college shit to take care of, I’m like a bear with a trapped paw until she walks through the door.

The nosy ass neighbors and people around town are trying to figure out our relationship, which I’ve been keeping on the low when we’re out and about because of my kids and the fact that I just went through a divorce.

I admit I have no idea what’s the proper protocol for this shit. I don’t want people speculating about her, or us. But I’m not actively trying to keep us a secret either.

Lately though, I think my ex is starting to get suspicious. I don’t know why the fuck she should care one way or the other? I’m not interested in who she fucks.

And as long as this girl, or any woman I screw around with don’t fuck with my kids, we got no problems. But I know it’s more than that.

Melissa, that’s my ex, is one of those fucked up people who don’t want you but don’t want anyone else to have you either. Fuck that noise.

I’ve seen the way she looks at Olivia when she comes by to drop off the kids. Last night she had the nerve to question me when I dropped them off at her parents’ place. I just gave her dumb ass a look and walked away.

I’ve learned since the divorce to choose my battles. She no longer has any say in what I do and I don’t have to tell her shit about who I fuck. As long as she doesn’t play games with my kids in the middle we’re straight.

I looked down at Olivia who has the cutest face when we fuck. It’s that slack jawed awestruck shit that makes me wanna fuck her even harder, show her what I can do.

“Damn baby, you cumming already?”

“Uh-huh!” I felt her pussy clench around my cock and warm pussy juice coated my meat. Her hips sped up and she dug her nails into me as she danced on my cock.

I love fucking this girl. I don’t know if it’s the change from Melissa’s good girl in bed shit. My wife loved to fuck too, but unlike Olivia, she was ashamed of that fact.

Everything was always hush-hush. Like it was a dirty secret. And she’d damn near bite a hole in her lip before she made a sound in bed.

And the times when I made her, which was often, she’d be pissed for hours after. Not my little college vixen! She fucks almost as hard as me for all that she’s a novice.