The thing with her is that she’s hypersensitive and I just happened to be the man to find all her spots. I know where to touch her to get her panties dropped, where to nibble to get her mouth around my cock, you get the drift.

I never ask about the guy who was her first back in high school, but we have an understanding. As long as we’re fucking she can’t fuck anyone else and neither can I.

How some college kid haven’t snatched her up as yet is beyond me, but I’m not mad. Besides, this arrangement’s perfect for both of us. It’s like live-in pussy on tap.

Young, tight, sweet pussy with no strings attached. It’s been so long since I fucked anything that didn’t come with a long list of dos and don’ts that I was like a kid in a candy store.

At least that’s how it started out. Now, I’m not so sure. Now I have thoughts of owning her. I feel possessive to the point that I don’t hardly recognize myself anymore.

She cried out and bucked beneath me, working her cunt along my dick while her pussy did its thing, trying to syphon the jizz from my balls. I love making her scream.

If my kids were here, I’d have to shove her face in the pillow if I was fucking her from behind, or cover her mouth so their nosy asses didn’t catch on. But those two weeks they aren’t here, it’s usually a noisy fuck fest.

In the morning before she went to class and I headed to my shop, and all night as soon as I got home and dinner was eaten, her pussy was always the dessert on the menu.

Maybe that’s why I started to get hung up on her shit. I felt my balls tightening up and my whole body got that tingling sensation seconds before I shot off inside her.

Now I’m not looking to be nobody’s baby daddy, the girl is on the pill, which makes me very happy because I hate fucking condoms, and only used them in the past if I was breaking off a piece of strange.

We’re both clean besides. She has to get regular checkups because she’s studying to be a nurse and I get tested for my insurance on the regular so we’re straight.

Besides, we’re two consenting adults who can do whatever the fuck we want. I just would like to be around long enough to see my kids graduate, so in the beginning I made sure her shit was straight.

I tried pulling out after my balls were empty but she clamped down on my dick. I sucked the flesh of her neck between my teeth and her pussy gave one last twitch. Like she was trying to get the last drop of cock cream inside her.

“I thought you said you had to go.” I kissed her nose and held myself up on my hands as I looked down at her. Her pussy had my dick on lock. That’s a little something she likes to do, keep me trapped in her cunt when I’m done off loading.

“Don’t move yet, I like the way you feel inside me.” For as long as I’ve been fucking, and that’s a good twenty years now, no one has ever been this vocal and upfront with me in bed.

I’ve had screamers, some who spoke in tongues, the whole nine yards. But until my little Italian princess I’ve never had a woman who wasn’t ashamed to tell me what she wanted or what she liked in my bed.

“You’re gonna be late and I’m not in the mood to take the blame for that shit again.” She pouted and pinched my side before unlocking her cunt muscles and spitting me out.

She rolled out of bed and walked bow legged to the master bath with her fine ass exposed. Life is strange as fuck. If Melissa hadn’t lost her mind and asked for a divorce I never would’ve met Olivia.

Now I can’t imagine not having her in my life. All in all, I’d made out okay in the divorce. The ex-wife had made noises about taking the house, but since I’d inherited it from my grandparents long before I met her ass, that was a no.

She didn’t get the shop I started before we met either, and in the end all I was on the hook for was child support, which nobody need to tell me how to take care of my kids. I ended up owing less than I was giving after she took that shit to court.

Basically I think she just wanted to hurt me as much as she could coming onto the end, for not being something I wasn’t and didn’t want to be.

I didn’t know until the divorce that she had dreams of dressing my ass up in a suit and sending me off to work for her father in one of his sweatshops. Fuck outta here.