She’s into the high life and the country club scene, while I’m more bikes and tats. We knew this about each other when we got hitched, but I guess she was intrigued by the wild life for a time until she lost interest.

Now six years and two kids later, she decided that she wanted out. I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with parceling out my kids like they’re fucking cattle.

My kids have known one home their whole lives. And now because her ass decides she wants out, she wants to drag them with her to start a new life. Fuck that.

Her old man, who never liked me to begin with, is loaded. So they thought that would be enough to get them everything they wanted. They didn’t count on a fucker like me, who was willing to go to bat for my kids.

It was a dirty fight and I’d been ready to take my kids and light the fuck out if it came to that. Weeks and months of dirty tactics that made me want to kill a motherfucker a time or two while my kids suffered.

I would’ve done anything to stop their pain, but what they wanted and what their mother was fighting for were two different things. She wanted full custody, they wanted to stay with daddy.

So I fought, put myself damn near in hock to afford the best lawyer money could buy, to combat the high priced Shylock her family hired, and stuck to my guns for my babies.

In the end, the judge decided that we have to split fifty-fifty which I don’t really like, but hey. The law’s the law. So now she gets them two weeks out of the month and I the same.

The thing is, my kids hate living in their new home with their grandparents, whom they’ve never really gotten along with. In fact I think that was part of the reason my ex filed for divorce.

Her parents realized my kids couldn’t stand them, got it into their heads that I was the cause and talked her dumb ass into filing. Her loss!

Now I have to watch while my kids kick and scream each time I take them over there to drop them off when their time with me is up. My five-year old son keeps telling me he can’t wait ‘til he’s older so he can stay with me. I feel for the kid, but there’s nothing I can do.

My daughter, my little princess, breaks my heart each time she looks into my eyes with that look on a Sunday evening when it’s time to take them to their mother.

I don’t think my ex is a bad mother, she wasn’t when we were together. I just think she never learned to cut the apron strings from her parents and it brought about the demise of our marriage.

If those two old people think they’re gonna turn my kids into mindless twits like they did her, they have another think coming. I already have a getaway kit set and ready to go at the first sign of that fuckery and I don’t give a fuck who likes that shit.

It was tough in the beginning, running my business and being here for the kids in the evenings when they came home from Pre-K and kindergarten. And that’s why I had to look for a sitter.

I hired Olivia a couple months ago and fucked her two weeks after we met. I’m amazed I held out that long. Thank fuck it was a mutual attraction thing and she didn’t make me work too hard for it.

Apparently she was eyeing me from day one and I was eating her ass up with my eyes as well. It wasn’t something we planned, the shit just happened.

Now she spends every night in my bed and when the kids aren’t here her loud ass gets loose. Like the night before. My dick was still raw from her tight pussy’s grip and the hours of nonstop fucking that seems to be the only way we know to do this shit.

I can honestly say I’ve never fucked anyone as hard and long as I do her. It’s like she has something in her pussy that my dick has grown addicted to. Like a bag of chips, one is never enough.

The thing is, no matter how hard, or how deep I fuck her, she never complains. And if I turn to her three times during the night as has happened on more than one occasion, she welcomes me into her body, each and every time.

I knew from the way she tapped her fingers on my pecs that she wanted morning dick before going off to school, and my boy is always ready to please. She might as well tie the shit on a string and carry it around with her, because I’m pretty sure she’s spoiled me for other women.