
This part was tricky, in fact it was the trickiest part of the whole ordeal. I woke up not long after going to bed, got the girls up and fed them. All the while knowing it would be our last time together.

After breakfast, instead of taking them out to play, I left them in the nursery with a children’s movie on for them to watch. They seemed happy enough as I watched them from the door before turning to leave.

I made my way outside, knowing that on this side of the house I was unlikely to run into anyone and if I did, I had a ready excuse.

I headed for the old abandoned shed that was a ways from the house and stables. Inside I found what I’d left there only days ago. Had it only been four days?

“Are you guys hungry? I bet you are. Not to worry, you’re about to be fed.” I emptied the cage into the sack, making sure not to lose any of my little friends.

Now I had to make it back to the house without anyone being the wiser. I knew that the household staff was busy taking care of their duties, so it was the groundskeeper and his crew that I had to watch out for, but none of them were about as I made my way back.

Once inside I breathed a sigh of relief as I went up the stairs on the other side of the house. The side that has been closed off for years because no one ever used it.

It was here that I opened the door and found her, still chained to the wall. Soiled, hungry, miserable. I closed the door and put the sack down and her eyes followed.

Walking over to her, I removed the gag and looked into her eyes. “I need to hear you scream.” I walked back to the sack and opened the mouth, shaking it out on the floor.

Rats, medium sized ones to be exact, made their way to the warm body. Her mouth opened but no sound came. I stood there for only a few minutes before closing the door and heading back downstairs and to the other side of the house.

I sat with the girls for another hour, watching the movie, before replacing it with another. More than enough time had passed I thought.

I went to my room and booted up the laptop. What I saw was more than enough to tell me that I’d done the job. It was time for the next phase.

I checked my watch before heading downstairs in search of the housekeeper. “Mrs. Simms, I need a huge favor.” I leaned in as if sharing a secret, something I knew she would appreciate.

“My monthlies seem to have come a little early and I completely forgot to pack my tampons. Would you mind watching the girls while I run into town…”

I hadn’t quite finished before she was shooing me out with that look of motherly concern. “Thanks, you’re a life saver. Is there a car I can use?” I already knew there was one kept here for the staff.

She handed me the keys and went back to her cleaning. I had to go retrieve the cages, which was a pain but it went off without a hitch.

Back in that room of horrors, where Claudia’s screams had turned to hoarse moans, I caught the ten rats and locked them up again.

Next I untied her, forced her into the sack and tied it, before lugging her and the cages back downstairs and out to the garage where the car was kept.

I put both in the trunk before heading back inside to remove the evidence. Once I was done the place looked just as it had, except for a little bit of plaster that was missing from where I’d bored the holes for the cameras.

I hadn’t planned to, but after grabbing my suitcase and removing all traces of my presence, I looked in on the girls one last time, kissing each one goodbye before leaving again without a backward look. It hurt!

I cut off my emotions as I left the estate, headed for the final destination. It took me an hour to get there and after making sure no one was about, I took the sack with my enemy into the woods and untied it.

When she wakes up I’m sure she’d figure out how to get out, but I was sure she’d never be the same again. I released the rodents in another part of the woods and drove back to town. This part was one of the hard ones as well. But it couldn’t be helped.

I drove to a garage after tampering with the brakes. I paid the man there to fix it and gave him the address to return it to once it was finished by end of day.