One that they may never know, but I will always have a little piece of him, of our time together, to remind me of the best time of my life.

I wanted to boot up the laptop and have a little chat, but I was playing it close. The twins will be up any minute. So instead I rushed to the bathroom for a quick wash-up and changed into shorts and a halter top before going to get them.

That afternoon and for the rest of the day I wore a permanent smile on my face. I only saw him for a

few minutes before dinner, when he came to see the girls having their own meal, which was usually a few hours earlier than ours. His eyes found mine and though he didn’t smile, it was obvious that he was pleased.

That evening after bath time he came into the nursery to read to the girls before the two of us headed down to dinner. As soon as the maid left I was practically in his lap.

We fed each other and whispered like lovers do and my heart was full to bursting. And when he bent me over the dinner table and fucked me right there where we could hear the others moving around as they cleaned up the kitchen before retiring for the night, I came harder than ever before.

He lifted me in his arms and headed up the stairs leaving our meals half finished. I wasn’t hungry anyway, at least not for food.

“You’ve been driving me nuts in this thing all evening.” He pulled at my halter top until it shredded in his hands and I wondered at his penchant for destroying my clothes.

I didn’t wonder for too long though, when his mouth covered my nipple and half my flesh like he was trying to fit the whole breast in his mouth.

My shorts didn’t fare much better and neither did his own clothes when he rushed to get out of them. His wildness put me in a playful mood and I laughed and teased as I pushed him to his back.

He looked down at me as I crouched between his thighs, playing with his magnificent cock. “It’s so pretty.”

“Hey, a man’s cock can’t be called pretty.”

I laughed and licked him, taking the escaping precum into my mouth and going back for more. Soon all playfulness was gone as I sucked the mushroom head of his cock between my lips.

I could feel my body heating up as I made love to him with my mouth. His big rough hands came down on my hip and pulled me around until I was straddling his face.

I stopped only for a moment as I felt his tongue digging deep, before going back to what I was doing. He lapped at me, drinking my juices as they flowed while his cock leaked copious amounts of precum onto my tongue.

I got a little braver and took more of him into my mouth and he hissed. I felt it across my pussy lips. But when he grabbed my ass firmly in his hands and licked deep inside me I forgot what I was doing.

Until he spanked my ass hard and I was reminded to get to it. We ate at each other’s flesh like we were both starved for the other. And then he pushed me down his body until I was straddling his cock.

I looked back over my shoulder at him questioningly. “Put me inside you.” I looked down between my thighs as I grabbed his dick, leading it into me.

“Oomph…” Air escaped my lungs as he filled me and it took me a few seconds to figure out what I was supposed to do. But once I got the hang of it I became a wild woman.

I rode his cock with my hands planted on his knees, then leaned back so he could play with my tits as he fucked up into me.

Things soon got wild and it wasn’t long before we were both sitting up straight with his dick buried deep and his hands pulling and tugging on my overly sensitive breasts.

I felt open, exposed and then the thought that she could see where we were joined made me cum. I screamed and laughed and rode his cock for all it was worth.

He changed up after I came the third time in that position, putting me on my knees in front of him. My favorite position! I love the way he seems to get deeper in me this way.

I was taking all of him now, and though it still hurt a little, it was the sweetest pain. I never wanted it to end and I told him so. “Don’t stop, don’t stop; don’t ever stop.”

I don’t know how many times he came in me that night, our last night, I’d lost count. But as I crawled into my bed just after he awakened to get ready to leave, I was hoping that one of them had done the job. I barely had enough time to write in my diary before falling off to sleep.