I can’t wait to subject her to her worse fear. To watch her scream and yell in fright while I laugh. Only then will she be allowed to leave that room. When she’s no longer the person she was and can be of no use to anyone. Not as a wife or a mother.

Knowing that his gaze kept flitting back to me, I dare not let any of what I was feeling show on my face. But I suddenly had a new burst of energy and got down on the floor to crawl around with the adorable little girls.

I got lost in them for a while, forgetting for those brief moments that I was here to destroy their mother and seduce their father. Forgetting that my life could never be this idyllic. That I would never be able to let go enough to put myself in the line of fire.

I bit back the sadness brought on by that thought and gazed off into space for a minute. My heart felt sick. For the first time thinking about my lonely existence made me yearn.

I wasn’t as lucky this time at cutting off those feelings like I normally do. Instead they persisted until I couldn’t help but look back at him. Our eyes collided and I felt my breath hitch as I fought not to get sucked under. The heat in his gaze singed me and I looked away quickly lest I give too much away.

Pull yourself together Syd. Don’t go building dreams in the sky. Whatever happens he’ll never be yours. He’ll probably never forgive you in this lifetime anyway so it’s a moot point.

With my resolve back in place I took a deep breath and gave myself over to my time with the girls, putting their father completely out of my mind, or giving it my best effort in any case.

It wasn’t easy though, feeling his constant stare. I felt like a poor unsuspecting animal caught in the crosshairs of some hunter’s scope. It was hell not looking back at him every five-seconds the way I wanted to, the way I felt almost compelled to.

When he shifted in his chair behind me I almost jumped out of my skin. I did tumble over on my side, making the twins laugh uproariously, which helped to break me out of my trancelike state.

My whole body flushed with embarrassment but there was no sound coming from him. I took a chance and peeked and sure enough he was still studying me.

I started to worry just a little. That look was too deep, too meaningful. Almost as if he were on the scent of something. Like he was trying to figure something out in his mind.

Oh hell, I’d gone too far down by the pool. I knew it. What gave me away? Where had I missed a step? I felt sick panic rushing in until I calmed myself again. No, Sydney, calm down. Everything’s going to plan.

He can suspect nothing because you’ve been overly careful with every step you made. You left no hanging strings remember? This is just him being a man, doing exactly what you want him to do.

Yes that’s it. He’s just doing what any man in his position would do. There’s nothing to worry about, he suspects nothing he knows nothing. Two more days and then it will be all over.

Yes two days. The thought settled me down again but I was still a bit on edge. Now that I think about it, I hadn’t given myself much time to work with.

I hadn’t wanted to be exposed for longer than was necessary lest I gave away my true identity, and that was still the best course of action. Just hold it together and everything will go as planned.


What is it with this girl? There’s something there but I just can’t seem to put my finger on it. I’m still trying to come to terms with the two completely different aspects of her.

The dowdy skittish girl I’d met weeks ago and again yesterday, and this siren sitting across from me now. What am I missing here? Why am I seeing her in a new light all of a sudden?

No, it’s not sudden. It’s after seeing her last night in that see through gown that showed off the curves beneath, and then again today, in the pool.

I’m finding it hard to reconcile the two personas or to even figure out why she would go to such lengths. Am I some kind of target? If so why, and by whom? Nothing makes sense and I’m never comfortable with situations like that. There’s no one thing I can put my finger on, except for the metamorphosis of course, but even that can be easily explained away I guess.

I can’t imagine why this girl that I don’t know and had never met before would want to get close to me. And if that’s not what’s going on here then what exactly the hell is?