I can’t even say she’d pulled a fast one because there was nothing to support that, and yet, there’s no way that she doesn’t know that she’s gorgeous. So why hide it and those amazing tits under those ugly clothes, only to show this side of her now?

She hadn’t done any of the usual things women who’re trying to get my attention has done in the past. But there was a certain allure about her that just naturally drew the eye. How the hell had she hidden that shit so well?

Those eyes and that hair, how could she even think of hiding her assets? Unless there was a reason for her to do so? Is she hiding from something, someone?

I started rethinking everything from the moment we met to see if I’d missed anything. The truth is, I hadn’t been paying much attention. The first time we met was a rushed deal. Claudia had decided for no reason that I could think of, to get rid of the babysitter that we’d hired when the twins were born.

As someone who’ve been very attentive where my children are concerned, I never saw anything wrong with the way she took care of them, but there was so much going on at the time, I didn’t put up much resistance.

So when I met Sydney my mind was miles away. As uncaring as I’d grown to believe my wife to be, I still didn’t think she’d knowingly hire someone unacceptable to watch our girls.

And when I went over her resume later that night I’d seen no red flags. In fact she was a much better choice than her predecessor, on paper at least.

My mind has been too preoccupied of late and that could be the reason for me not noticing her until now. Unless she’d gone out of her way to hide herself, which I can see no reason for her doing such a thing.

Then again some women wouldn’t appreciate someone as beautiful as she is under the same roof as their husband. Is that why she’d gone to such lengths? Could that be it?

But Sara had been an attractive young lady herself and there were never any issues. In fact Claudia had done the hiring then too. Claudia! Now that was another kettle of fish. My hands clenched and I bit back the anger that was ever present these days when I thought of her.

It’s no secret between us that she came up pregnant just about the time I was growing tired of her. In the beginning she’d seemed like the kind of woman I could settle down with.

In my fast paced world I needed someone as vivacious and intelligent as her by my side, or so I thought. I’d been halfway in love with her, until I started looking past her beauty to the woman beneath.

There was something very cold and calculating about her that I’d missed, again because of my preoccupation with work and making the next million.

But eventually I’d put down the spreadsheets and took a really hard look at the woman I’d been contemplating asking to marry me. Funny that it was only then that I realized I couldn’t stand her.

I’d made up my mind to call it quits and was well on my way to doing just that when she came to my office one day, bursting with excitement and told me the news.

At first I was flummoxed. I’d never slept with her without a condom, in fact we’d only had one mishap when the condom burst and I still don’t know how that shit happened.

It was too much of a coincidence not to suspect that she’d sabotaged the condom somehow. I’d been pissed at the situation and quite honestly had serious doubts about letting this person give birth to my child.

But I won’t regret my kids no matter what I think of their mother. I’d resolved myself to becoming a father and of course for a man in my position marriage was the only way to go.

It never entered my mind to doubt their paternity at the time and thank fuck they look like me so I didn’t have to do them the injustice of getting a paternity test.

After the kids were born, Claudia had gone back to her ways. Those annoying little things that grated on my nerves. She was short with the staff, people who’d worked for my family in one capacity or another for many years.

Not only that, she was dishonest. I’d caught her in too many lies to count. Lies that didn’t need to be told sometimes, small shit that didn’t matter.

I’d lost whatever feelings I had for her when I realized she only used my kids to get to me and wasn’t really interested in being a mother. She had no idea that her days were numbered, that I was already plotting in my head to get rid of her and get her away from my kids that she was obviously only using as a meal ticket.