Why that should make my heart feel warm and expectant I’m afraid I know. It would be silly of me to give in to these new yearnings, even for a moment, no matter how enticing.

But I’m leaning towards wanting to. Just for a little while to see what it would be like to be wanted, cherished, by someone like him. To give myself over freely just this once.

No matter, I’m still going to walk away when this is all over. I may give him my virginity with relish, but I’ll never give him my heart. That’s just not part of the game.

I pulled at the legs of my suit, fixing what didn’t need to be fixed, but hoping to draw his eyes to the shape of my behind and the way the bottom half of the suit molded my perfectly toned flesh.

I’d practiced these coquettish moves in front of the mirror and was sure that they were very effective. My studies and research had assured me that no red blooded man could resist a constant exposure to the wiles of a female in heat. Especially one who was seemingly on the prowl.

My mix of innocent and alluring had also been designed for this very purpose. The illusion of soft and sweet with just enough spice to keep me from being dull, and to appear more interesting. Like a secret gift waiting to be unwrapped.

I wanted him dying to unravel my depths, to yearn to uncover all my secrets. What man can resist the chance of awakening a beautiful woman to the pleasures of the flesh?

With my mind finally back on track, I walked to the diving board and dove in, slicing through the water perfectly. Even as I breathed and concentrated on perfect form, my mind was on my task.

As I swam I hoped his eyes were following my every move. The way I spread my legs in the water as I kicked. The way the suit clung to me in all the right places as I sat on the lip of the pool to catch my breath after ten laps.

Every arch, every deeply inhaled breath was for his benefit. My hands on my head as I adjusted the swim cap and then the goggles. A movement that lifted my breasts even as it caused my back to arch, highlighting my rear end.

I repeated this for a total of thirty laps, pulling myself from the water after each segment of ten, repeating the same movements almost exactly, and hoped.

Hoped that he was fighting with his natural instinct as a man. That I’d made him so hot that he didn’t know what to do with himself. Was he touching himself as he watched my firm young body? Or was he too sophisticated for that?

Did he imagine his hands cupping my breasts, or running over the firm plumpness of my ass? Was he even now contemplating ways to get me into his bed?

Had he even given her a thought? Or was he fighting it, fighting his need for the hot new thing under his roof while the wife was away?

It doesn’t matter if he fights, I have no doubt that I will win. I’d done more than enough to see that it happens and will not fail now, not after I’ve come this far.

I brushed away thoughts of doubt as I treaded water while my mind formulated and planned. As the old saying goes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat and I always have a plan B in place.

Still, it was hard to imagine that he wouldn’t fall for my charms. I know he hasn’t slept with his wife in quite some time, my doing of course.

And neither has he gone elsewhere, not in a while anyway, as far as I can tell. It was all part of my plan and I was sure, for someone with as voracious a purported sex drive as he has, that the self enforced celibacy must be getting to him.

If this little show doesn’t work I have plenty of armor to work with. One of which was sure to work at breaking down any walls he might have.

It was a gamble I know to go up against his moral code of ethics, but I’m banking on his disgust with his wife and her exploits which had been laid out for him months ago.

I wasn’t bothered by the fact that nothing had come of this. Like I said, he’s a very private man who plays everything close to the chest, so who knows what that mind of his had come up with.

I’m sure unlike others before him, he was putting the needs of his two little girls before his own. But it’s up to me in the short time I’m here to show him that they’d all be better off without his wife.