“Sounds good, they love to play outside, don’t you girls?” They both cheered loudly and it was plain to see they loved their daddy. Which was good, because if all goes to plan he’s all they’re gonna have left soon.

I spent the morning with them until early afternoon when it was time for their nap. I hadn’t seen him since leaving the breakfast table, but somehow I was constantly aware of him.

I could’ve gone for a swim it was so hot and decided to search him out in his study to ask permission. “Come in.” His voice came through the door at my knock.

This time when I entered and stood before him I didn’t lower my head, but neither did I look him in the eye directly. I stood with my back straight, shoulders back, showing my breasts to full advantage. Just in case he’d forgotten how perfect they are. “Sorry to interrupt, I was wondering, would it be okay if I took a swim while the girls take their nap?”

“Sure, you don’t need to ask. When you’re not tending to the girls the whole place is yours to explore.” I returned his magnanimous smile and turned to leave. “Just be careful in the woods behind the house though, the groundskeeper hasn’t been back there yet this summer and who knows what’s lurking in them.”

“Okay I will.” I slipped out and headed to my room with butterflies playing in my stomach. I was very aware that there were cameras by the pool and surrounding the outside of the house.

My hope is that he’d be watching because I plan to put on a show. I didn’t bother turning on my laptop, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her today, but I was sure she was watching my every move as I moved around the room changing into my swimsuit.

I’d brought three suits with me. This one matched my eyes and was cut high on my hips. The way the stretchy material hugged my breasts showed them off to perfection.

I turned in the mirror for a look at my firm rounded ass and was sure I looked good enough to tempt a saint. I threw on the crocheted cover-up and grabbed a towel and a book to read on my way out.


As I moved through the house, making my way to the pool, I pretended not to feel eyes on me. I know the feeling only too well, and had taught myself not to react. Not to give away the fact that I knew I was being watched.

The other servants were busy doing what they do and I was sure not to be interrupted. If I’d planned to stay here long I’m sure there would be murmurs and bickering about my allowed freedoms, as is to be expected when dealing with other females.

I know for a fact that none of the others had ever swam in the pool or were invited to eat at the master’s table. But since I wasn’t planning on staying here long I didn’t let it worry me.

Once poolside my every move was calculated to show off my assets. The way I dropped the cover-up off my shoulders, the way I bent at the waist, making sure my ass was pointed right at the camera that I’d already scoped out.

I gave him a perfect shot of the split between my thighs before standing straight again. My hands lifted, above my head as I turned to tie my hair up, making my chest more pronounced as I arched my back, shoving my tits towards the camera.

I knew he was watching and the feeling of having his eyes on me, secretly watching, made me hot in forbidden places. I didn’t realize that being watched could be such a turn on.

I was more excited than I needed to be, but there was no help for it. It looks like I can’t fight my attraction to him and I didn’t have the time to waste trying.

Maybe it’s better this way. Maybe it would make sleeping with him easier. As long as I don’t do anything as foolish as falling in love with him.

The thought brought me up short. When I started this I never let myself imagine such a thing happening. I didn’t know I still had any feelings left truth be told, so didn’t even consider it.

My sole focus had been on the one I wanted to destroy and he, though by far the biggest weapon in my arsenal, was just a byproduct of all this.

When we first met and I felt that tingling in my arm from his handshake, I’d done all I could to brush it off as nothing. But since seeing him again I know I’ve just been fooling myself.

I do feel and these feelings aren’t like the others that I have so ruthlessly controlled in the past. Somehow I know he’s not going to be so easily dismissed when all is said and done.