I roll my eyes at how delusional this girl is—yes, not woman, girl, because that’s how she is acting. I saw the messages, and Kingston and I worked through it. I know for a fact he has cut off contact with her, and this is just a failed attempt to try and hurt me. Some people just don’t know how to let go of high school. I debate not saying anything. The better, mature part of me is screaming not to, but the same girl willing to stoop to her level for a hot second is overtaking me.

I see you haven’t changed. I know about the messages and your attempt to get Kingston back. Sorry, it didn’t work, and I really feel bad that you had to send such nasty, desperate pictures to him in hopes it would get his attention. I will only say this once, so listen good and well. He and I are happy and you need to move on. Stay the hell away from Kingston, Hilary. I’m serious.

I put the phone down, assuming that’s the end of it as I stew on it more. I can’t believe she is trying to talk to me and convince me otherwise. I saw the last message Kingston sent to her, and it was hands down the biggest subliminal “fuck you” message, in more eloquent words.

I was jealous, over-the-top possessive when I saw those messages, and believe me, they hurt, but I have to trust Kingston, and I made a choice to forgive him for simply talking to her. It was not innocent on her part, but he didn’t take the bait, and for that I trust him and I forgive him. My phone dings again, and I add an annoyed growl to this one.

Oh honey, is that what you think? Is someone still insecure with herself? I’m sorry that I was trying to follow girl code and respect you, but you must have not seen our private text and heard our late night calls while you made him sleep on the couch. If you only knew the things he said he wanted to do to me. How you couldn’t please him, how you’ve gained weight and your body isn’t like it used to be. It’s not my fault he wasn’t happy and had to step out to find better. But you can keep playing delusional house with Kingston until he admits how it really is with me and then leaves you and that accident baby behind. So sorry you don’t make the cut anymore, Lana. Guess the men in your life ALWAYS come to me to find better.

My fist grips the phone violently and my body begins to shake with tremors, and not the kind when your hurt, but more the kind when you have so much rage and nothing to take it out on. It’s one thing to put me down and ridicule me, but when you threaten my love, Kingston, and talk ill of our child, I cannot contain nor stop from losing any bit of restraint I have.

Almost leaving my body, I close my eyes and relax my shoulders, reigning myself in.

You stay the hell away from my family, Kingston included. He and I are happy, and you are nothing but a sad, lonely, desperate home wrecker. Get a life, Hilary, and stop trying to whorishly live mine. I will not warn you again.

No need to. You’ll regret that, you jealous bitch.


Without another word, I block her from my account and take a minute to calm myself down. She really has no shame. None whatsoever. What kind of woman holds on that long? What is she really hoping to get out of this? Better yet, she has no idea who Kingston is anymore. He is not the young guy she was in love with. He’s a father, a business owner...a taken man. How can she claim to still want him when she doesn’t even know who he is anymore? It’s like loving someone you never knew.

My thoughts trail away and I start to feel what feels like...remorse. I get it; I would hold on that long too. For years, we did hold onto each other. We still are, so I guess it makes sense. A woman holds on that long when the man is worth grasping onto forever, and that is my Kings.

But regardless, she didn’t need to go about it that way. She should have listened to Kingston, accepted there is nothing there, and bowed out, save her self-respect. But I guess home wreckers will always prey on the innocent to exist.

“Lana? What’s going on?” Kingston’s voice surprises me, catching me off guard as I bring my hand to my chest.

He’s next to me, his gym shirt still stained with his sweat and his beloved snapback covering his curly head of hair. Running his hands up and down my back, he locks eyes on me, his face looking uneasy.

“Oh, nothing, I just got lost in thought. That’s all.”

“Okay, with what?” He pulls on my hip and drags me into him.

“It’s really nothing. Don’t worry.” I want to avoid a fight that we have already fought and overcome. I forgave him, and I don’t want to say the wrong thing and ruin this streak of calm waters.

“No, don’t do that.” He sees right through me. “Talk to me. We agreed to always communicate. Come on, baby.”

Closing my eyes and taking one long breath, I release the negative and reserve the calm in me.

“Hilary messaged me and just said some things that really bothered me. That’s all.”


what?” Looking surprised, he turns my body to face him.

“Yeah, she did. I just don’t feel like talking about it. Can we drop it?”

Kingston doesn’t let me off the hook that easy. “No, what did she say? You know what? I’m gonna message her and tell her to fuck off.”

“No!” I blurt out, stopping him. If he does that, then she’ll know it affected me, and then she will have the attention of Kingston, which is the opposite of what I want.

“Lana, she needs to back the fuck off, and believe me when I say there is nothing going on between us. There never was.”

“I know.”

“Besides, you know I love you and we have worked on this— Wait, what?” His face reads as shocked, and I smirk. “Did you just say you believe me?”

The old me wouldn’t have—the Lana who believed everyone and everything was just a means to a letdown.