“My parents are coming to town this weekend, and we want to have a dinner. You and Trey good to make it?” I ask Shay, steaming the new floral dresses we got in today. It’s my third week back at work, the two days a week becoming easier and easier with being away from Prince.

“Yeah! Of course! I bet you’re excited to see them.” Moving to fold the jeans we also received, she gives me a sideways glance and excited smile. Little does she know I’m both excited and dreading it all at the same time. We invited them to come see Prince, but we plan to break the news that we are expecting our second child. Kingston and I are beyond thrilled—elated, in fact—to have another child, but my daddy reacted pretty negatively last time, and I don’t think I’m ready to deal with that whole debacle again.

It’s not the pregnancy I think will set him over the edge, since we already have Prince. It’s more so the fact we aren’t married. Daddy is traditional, and believe me when I say he lets it be known. He does have

a point; we aren’t married and we are getting ready to have another child, and though I don’t think that is why we should get married, I just know Daddy will find it all backwards.

I love Kingston, and I’m ready to be his wife. After all the pain and hardships we’ve endured and suffered through, I know without a doubt we deserve a happy ending. We deserve to have each other and complete the circle that is our family.

“I am!”

“Let’s just hope that Daddy James can control himself and not explode on Kingston.”

“We can hope. I swear I always thought it was weird when people say you marry someone like your father. But, looks like I bit the dust with that one. I swear they don’t get along because they are always trying to compete on who’s more alpha,” I chuckle.

“I think they are equally alpha, especially over you. Everyone is alpha over you. Shoot, I am too. Like, you’re my best friend, bitch!” She giggles at herself, and I can’t help but laugh.

“You know it, bitch.” I toss her a wink and the silence falls between us comfortably. The rest of the workday passes, and by that time, I’m itching to get home to my son.

Pulling into the driveway of Kathy’s new house, I see her on the porch, all the babies in a playpen, and my heart pitter-patters at the sight of Prince. As I hop out of the car with pep in my step, Kathy stands to greet me.

“Hey! How was work?”

“It was good. How was my monkey today?”

She smiles down at us as I pick him up, giving the twins pecks on the tops of their cute little heads as I do.

“He was great. He had two full bottles, and I think he’s still a little hungry. He’s a growing babe.”

Bringing the smell of his soft baby skin mixed with linen up to my nose, I inhale his scent and snuggle into his dimpled cheek. With a coo and a smile, he reaches up and plays with my nose and cheeks as I go back to talking to Kathy. “He is such a daddy’s boy. I swear he is going to outgrow me in no time and then probably outgrow Kings when he’s older.”

“You got that right. Kingston is such a massive thing, just like his dad,” she refers to Tom, and I see a little sparkle in her eye. I don’t want to say anything to her about it, but I’m convinced they have something going on. Besides the obvious flirtation, they have been spending a lot of time together, especially before Kathy made the move from Portland to Seattle.

Tom said he is thinking of getting a place closer, and it all just seems a little—plotted. I don’t know how Trey, Shay, or Kings would take it. Especially Trey. That’s his mom, and he just lost his dad not even two years ago. Hell, maybe I’m overthinking this and they are just looking for friendship in their lonely state.

“But anyway, we are having a barbecue at our place this weekend. My parents will be in town and we would love to have you there.”

Clapping her hands in excitement, she nods. “I would love that. I’m getting a little bit of cabin fever in this place.” As she gestures to her blue cottage style home with white shutters, I agree with her.

“I know the feeling. I was like that for the first six months with Prince. Getting back to work has helped a ton.”

I see the pride dance across her rosy cheeks as she reaches to rub my arm adoringly. “I’m so happy to see you getting back out there. Shayla was really worried. She cried to Trey and me a few times about it. She missed you.”

I feel the sting of guilt prick at me, but it quickly passes, because Dr. Moore has told me not to dwell on the past. It’s better to change and fix my future, and with each passing day, I am doing just that. Mending fences, patching up holes I caused in people’s hearts, and nursing myself back to health.

“I missed her too. We’ve been having a great time together, getting back into the swing of things.”

“So she says, but any-who, I won’t keep you long. Who wants to spend all afternoon talking to the kooky grandma when you have this cute little monkey to hang out with?” Leaning in, she alters her voice to sound comical, and I chuckle.

“We love talking to Gam-Gam Kathy, huh, big boy?” I bounce him on my hip and admire his face as he beams with a smile. “Yeah, that’s Gam-Gam, huh?” Kathy and I both chuckle as he lets out a guttural laugh.

“All right, I’m gonna head out. But I will see you Saturday. Thanks for watching Prince! Love you, Mama Kathy.” We say our goodbyes and I get Prince settled in the back of my Jeep. I’m ready to get home and spend some time with him and Kings.

I stir the pasta and add some peppers to the meat, cooking dinner as Prince makes little noises in his sleep next to me in his portable crib. Kingston let me know he was going to run to the gym before coming home, and I want to have dinner ready.

I’m humming along to some light, low music of The Roes coming from our kitchen sound system, when my phone chimes. Placing the spatula down, I pick up my cell and see a message request waiting for me on Facebook. Without thinking, I open the app and go straight for the message. When Hilary’s name shows, my blood instantly boils and my hair stands on end.

Hey, just thought you should know Kingston and I are talking again and I feel like it’s the womanly thing to do to let you know. Sorry, but I can’t help how I feel and how we feel about each other.