“Damn, that’s a double-edged sword right there.”

“Yep, it is, but I’m hopeful that we’ll get through it.” He nods.

We approach the studio just a few blocks down from the restaurant we were at. Walking in we fall into place and get back to work. All this talk about Lana has me missing her, I take a second to text her.

Me: Hey angel.

I stare at the screen and watch the three dots dance in the corner.

My Queen: Hey :) How’s work?”

I smirk, one corner of my mouth tugging upward when I see the cute emoji shit she sent. Last night we didn’t have the best night, she went out with some of her new employees to a nightclub and I yelled at her, she’s pregnant I don’t want her in a club, unsafe where I can’t get to her. She said I was a controlling prick and I didn’t deny it. That was our first little argument in a while.

Me: It’s slow, baby, I miss you and my little monkey. What do I have to do to get a selfie of you two?

My eyes are burning to seer the image of her in my brain. The three dots disappear and reappear a couple of times, making my palms fidget and my chest swell with anxiety. Maybe I misread her mood and maybe she’s still having a shit day and pissed as fuck from last night.

My heart rate kicks back to life when I see an image of her pop up. She’s wearing a white sundress that she’s lifted up to show her rounded belly. Her lace white panties a stark difference against her tan skin. Her tiny thighs begging to be kissed and touched.

The best part of the picture is her curled hair framing her gorgeous face. Her smile is stained with red lipstick, her pearl white teeth shining aiding in her infectious deep dimpled smile. Her eyes are squinted slightly and fuck me, I swear she’s glowing. My chest swells with pride, warming in carnal hunger. We created that child with nothing other than heated passion.

“I’ll be back.” I leave Trey and head to the bathroom. Locking the door I lift my shirt with one hand, exposing my abs. My jeans are low today, which I know she loves more than anything. Adding my signature lip bite I snap a picture and send it to her.

Me: You look fucking beautiful today, my Queen. How’s little guy feeling?

My Queen: You look sexy, Kingston. I miss you. And he’s fine, this morning he was fussy as can be, kicking me like crazy. I was in a lot of pain. Next week it’ll be six months, crazy right!?

The entire pregnancy is flying by, I wish I could slow it down. I love seeing Lana pregnant. It has every primal instinct in me on high alert and I never want to come down from that high.

Me: Shit, already? I’m sorry you were sick. Anything I can do to help, babe?

My Queen: No, it’s ok. I’ll be fine. I know. I feel like a whale, he is gonna be a big boy.

Me: Yea, well look at his daddy.

I send her a selfie of me flexing with my tongue out.

My Queen: You’re such a cocky little shit. I have my hands full with you two.

Me: Yeah, you do. My place tonight? For dinner?

My Queen: Sure.

She doesn’t seem too excited. I’m making it my mission tonight to have her stress free.

Me: I’ll see you at six. Love you.

My Queen: See ya then. Love you too.

I breathe a deep breath and thank the gods that she said she loved me back, at least I still have that. I’m gonna make tonight a safe haven for her. I want her to open up to me about whatever is going on with her.

Let me in baby, I’m here for you.

I clean the house damn near perfection, saints could live here. I make sure to light a ton of candles that she bought for my place, making my house smell like vanilla shit, all girly—all Lana. I decide on making my famous spaghetti sauce and meatballs for dinner, that’s her favorite comfort dish.

I hear the sound of keys jiggling in the keyhole. Throwing the cooking towel over my shoulder I meet her at the door, greeting her right as the door opens.

“Hey.” She changed into her little sleep shorts and off the shoulder loose tee, looking comfortable; I want to be wrapped in her comfort.