“Not with me you’re not. Especially in the bedroom, that’s our fucking private bond. I make love to you with all of me and I don’t appreciate you even having the nerve to play some high school insecurity type shit with me.” He stands grabbing his briefs and sliding them on.

“I know it’s private and we do have an amazing sex life, I mean look at you.” I scan my hand over the length of his body, not missing his smug smirk, while he crosses his arms. “Then you look at me and I’m starting to get heavy, my baby bump is growing, my stretch marks are getting darker, my nipples look fucking national geographic and then the man who made me this way looks like a fucking Greek God. How can I not get insecure? I’m sure the bleach blonde bimbos you brought home had not even one flaw!”

He chuckles and my frown sets with my drawn in brows, how can he think this is funny? “They had one flaw,” he says walking toward me with a sexy smirk.

“What their toe polish and nail polish were different colors?” I ask, crossing my arms with a roll of my eyes.

“They weren’t you. That’s a pretty huge fucking flaw in my book.”

“What?” I stutter out, completely taken aback.

“Yeah, they weren’t you. I could tell you how many bitches I fucked with the image of you in my mind if you’d like.” His hands are at my hips, pulling me up on my knees and into him.

“Don’t call them bitches, those girls are someone’s daughter. And no I don’t want to know how many women you screwed with me in mind.” I try to pull away by twisting my hips loose from him but he just tightens his grip.

“I don’t jerk off anymore babe. I have this little sex addict sucking me fucking dry every day. But, if I did, you and your sexy tits, beautiful stretch marks, and really tight pussy, will be the only thing I’ll be balls deep in in my fantasies.”

I gulp so fucking loud when he says this, I mean holy shit he can be so fucking crude and it’s annoyingly sexy.

“You’re such a caveman.” I finally give in, placing my arms around his neck and smashing my front to his.

“No, I’m a Viking king and I’m about to ruin you for the entire fucking village, my Queen. Now lay on that bed and let me fuck you.” He growls then tosses me on the bed. I laugh as he strips us both hurriedly, erasing all memories of my parents, his bevy of ladies and all my insecurities, making love to me like a true Viking king. God I’m a lucky, lucky woman.

Two Months Later

Things with Lana have never been better. We are communicating more, being honest with anything she is still struggling with, and our unhealthy cycle is practically nonexistent. Instead we spend more time rationally talking through whatever issues come up. It’s a fresh start.

Our baby is growing, my woman is growing, her body is changing beautifully to help nurture our little man. We found out it’s a boy and I about jumped out of my chair excited when I saw that thing between his legs. I’m nowhere near ready to have a little girl. I don’t think the world would be safe with me in it if I had a beautiful little girl like Lana to protect. I’m already on their watch list I’m sure with just having Lana.

Joel disappeared, no letters, pictures, flowers, nothing—just silence. Greg updated me that there was no way to trace it to Joel, even if he told me he did it—it’s hearsay and he denied the whole thing anyway, saying some shit about how Lana may have enemies who had the chance to get their hands on those photos. I know it’s all bullshit, but the detective’s visit must have worked because the pussy gave up. Smart fucking choice.

“Can I get you handsome boys anything else?” the waitress asks us both, her body is turned into Trey.

“No, we’re good, thank you,” I answer while Trey absentmindedly pulls a twenty out of his wallet, unaware of her flirting. I throw another twenty down for my portion and tell her to keep the change, she finally leaves the table.

“I swear, your wedding ring is like an aphrodisiac for women,” I joke, getting up and putting my hat back on.

“What are you talking about?”

“You seriously didn’t catch on to her hitting on you. Damn you’re an idiot.”

“First, I doubt she was and second, I’m fucking good looking bro, okay. I don’t need this ring to make women drool, cause all of this,” he drags his hand down the front of his body, “is fucking smokin.”

Laughing at his stupidity, I roll my eyes. “Stop groping yourself in public Trey, we don’t want to scare the good people of Seattle.”

“Fuck off, dick.”

“Anyway, I need to look at some places for Lana and I. We’re looking for a house,” I tell him and he looks at me sideways. Lana and I have been talking about marriage a lot more lately and as much as I want to jump on that, I need to get us settled first. We have a baby coming soon and the apartment isn’t where I want to bring a baby home to.

“That’s a big step.” Trey pats my back.

“No, getting her pregnant was a big step, the rest is just natural. Moving in, marriage, all that s


“You’re gonna propose? Dude you didn’t tell me this shit!” Looking equally irritated and stoked, he runs a hand through his messy hair.

“I have the ring, it’s just lately she’s been on edge, even her nightmares have come back. Only difference is she doesn’t push me away, in fact she’s been much more clingy. Not that I’m complaining.” I don’t tell him I already proposed mid sex, that shit was private and perfect. But, after it happened it kind of stayed there, never progressing.