“Then let’s break up. I don’t understand why you keep doing this shit if you don’t love me.” I look up to meet his angry gaze, he looks like a bull ready to attack.


My cheek burns and my eyes tingle from the aftershock of his hit. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I should have kept my damn mouth shut and let him take me home to my friends. To Kingston.

“You listen here, I can fuck who I want. I still want you but I want other girls, too. I will keep you until I decide I’m done. Got it?” Against my better judgment, I ignore him. I’m tired of this. I go to open my door to get out. Grabbing my arm and locking the car with his other hand, he yanks me back, jolting me so hard I swear my brain rattles.

“Stop it, Joel. Please,” I beg, doing my best to pull my arm out of his grasp, while black dots dance across my vision.

“No, you aren’t leaving. I don’t want you going home to your parents so they can see your red, ugly face and you can blab your fat mouth to them. I’d hate to hurt two people tonight. Don’t you agree?”

Gulping loudly, I shake my head, my eyes staying down. I know he’s serious, he would hurt anyone I love in order to keep me.

“Good. Now, I promised Jessie I’d come over tonight. I’ll drop you off at Shay’s. But I swear Lana, you say shit to her I will have one of my boys on you...both of you,” he threatens me, looking me up and down like I’m trash. I feel like his trash.

“Boys?” I question, my pulse kicking up.

“Yeah, I have someone watching you all the time, you know, making sure you don’t run your mouth. That and I have special tabs on that fucker Kingston, seeing as you can’t keep your fuck me eyes off him. Slut.” His derogatory term hurts me, but him bringing Kingston up scares me.

“Stay away from Shayla and Kingston, okay? I promise I won’t say anything.” He looks at me with his beady eyes. Eyes that used to look at me so beautifully, like I was God’s gift. The hands that used to touch me in adoration now hurt me with pure hate. Shayla, Kingston, and Trey mean the world to me and I will do anything to keep them safe, even if I get hurt more in the process.

“Good. By the way, you need to cut back on one or two meals. You are gaining too much weight. No wonder I cheat on you.” My heart weeps in pain. Sometimes his insults hurt me more than his fist ever could. Unfortunately, at one point I loved this man. Now, I hate him...despise him. I don’t even argue with him, done with it for the night. The slap and threat were enough for me.


“You know what? We’re only a few blocks from Shayla’s. Get out and walk. My guy will follow you there. I don’t feel like being around you any longer.”

“Yeah.” Getting out of the car, he says my name. Turning I lean down to look at his disgusted face one more time.

“The guys I have keeping tabs on you are no joke. One slip up Lana and I’ll have the people you love destroyed.” I swallow, my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach. I feel sick. I nod, ready to run. But what’s the point? Running will only make things worse. I’m trapped. I will never escape this man. Shutting the door, I head toward Shay’s house, taking note of the car following slowly behind me. Why did I ever fall in love?

My alarm wakes me from my night terror, this one being the milder kind. That day was a shitty one, but nothing compared to what he could really do to me when he was pissed.

Reaching for Kingston, ready to look into green eyes that center me and erase my nightmares, I’m met with cold sheets and a note. My heart sinks further, I wanted him here.

My Queen,

You looked so fucking beautiful, I couldn’t wake you. I promised Trey I would meet him at the gym for a five a.m. workout. Last night was amazing. I miss you already. Send me a picture of your beautiful self when you wake up. I promise I’ll send you a good one.

See you tonight.

P.S. I kissed our tiny little baby ten times this morning. Your little belly is growing.


Your sexy fucking baby daddy.

The note had me warm and fuzzy until the last bit. My belly’s growing? I’m getting fat? Getting fat means I’m not gonna be sexy anymore. What if I get too big and he doesn’t want me anymore? Kingston is in great shape. The gym is part of his daily routine and his body is in pristine condition. Bulging biceps, sexy eight pack with the deepest V, strong legs, handsome god like features. Shit, maybe I need to start working out more.

I try and push aside my insecurities. I’m just overreacting because of my nightmare and the hormones. You’re fine Lana, you got this. I repeat my commonly used mantra, climbing out of bed after the tenth time repeating it my head.

My feet touch the cold wooden floor of my bedroom as I pad across the room to my bathroom, grabbing my phone on the way. Flipping on the light, I see the black circles around my eyes. I don’t know what he saw when I was sleeping, I look like death warmed over.

Opening my messages I see a notification from Kingston. Opening it, I about orgasm on the spot. Kingston in all his naked glory, standing in front of his bathroom mirror. He’s flexing his muscles and his cock is hard. The veins on his lower abs and arms are even more noticeable from his workout. My God he looks yummy. Okay, I need to make sure I work out during this pregnancy, if I wanna keep up with that hot hunk of man. Holy hell.

My phone rings pulling me from my sex dream, seeing Shayla’s name pop up on the screen I answer. “You know, I was just about to play DJ cliterous to your brother’s naked selfie, what do you need at eight in the morning?”

“You are so crude. You two are perfect for each other.” I smirk feeling accomplished. “Anyway. I need you to come in a little early. I have an interview for another employee and I want you to be there to help decide.”