“What happened to Hayley?” Hayley is the girl we hired to help out around the boutique.

“Nothing, it’s just been busy and with us both being pregnant and soon to be moms, I thought it might be good to have extra hands on board so we can be

ready when the babies come.” Bless her heart, she is the mama of us two.

“True, at least one of us is smart.”

“Hush, you’re smart, I’m just cautious.”

“True again.”

I start the shower, putting the phone on speaker and stripping my clothes off to get in.

“I’m gonna get some breakfast before I come in, have you eaten? Do you want anything?” I grab a razor from the drawer avoiding the mirror, the nasty scar Joel gave me on my chest always makes me repulsed.

“Yes, I could go for an iced tea and a bagel, please!”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you soon!” Hanging up the phone I go to climb in the shower. Right when I step in, I hear the doorbell. You’re kidding me.

Turning the water off so it doesn’t go cold, I grab my robe and run to answer whoever it is. I don’t make it in time and when I look out the peephole, I see an empty hall. Opening the door to check the hall, thinking they may still be there, I see a bouquet of roses. Smirking, I blush. Kingston.

Grabbing the flowers I see a note. Opening it I read it.

I miss you, can’t wait to see you soon.

Biting my lip I smirk, bringing the card to my heart. Kingston is trying, he is being patient. I need to repay him for the kind gesture and how delicate he was with my feelings last night. He even reacted to the baby news far better than I thought he would. Which, we didn’t really talk about the pregnancy—at all. After work today I will head to his place, maybe cook him dinner and talk about the new changes that are going to play out in our lives. Holy moly we’re going to be parents.

Locking the door and placing the flowers on the counter, I smell them one last time before I head into work for the day.

“Yo dad, what’s up?” I’m fucking exhausted from my late night with Lana and then my five a.m. workout with Trey. I hit the punching bag for thirty minutes then spent an hour on arms and chest. I need a deep tissue massage. I wonder what I gotta do to get my woman to rub some good shit on my muscles tonight.

“Sorry to bother you at work. I was calling because I have to run into Seattle this afternoon and I was wondering if you and Shay wanted to get some dinner?” I still haven’t told my dad about Lana being pregnant, seeing as I just found out last night. I guess now would be the time to tell him.

“Yeah, I’ll ask Shayla. She should be off around that time, so I’ll call her. Where ya thinking?”

“Rose Bar.”

“Sounds good. I can be there at seven.”

“Perfect, see ya then bud.” I say goodbye, zoning out as I cue the band in for another round. My thoughts drift to Lana, the way she looked last night, the way she looked in her sleep. The intimacy of just having her to myself without any distractions was perfect. Yesterday was a fucking whirlwind, we didn’t even have time to talk about the baby. I can’t believe we’re going to be parents. I mean I spent the past year trying to get Lana to give me a piece of her, a piece of her heart and instead she gives me something even bigger. She gives me a life—a baby—a product of us.

I know Lana loves me, she insists she’s scared, but I can feel within every inch of me that she is in love with me. Now we can get shit going, since she said she wants to try for us and our future family. We can finally start to mend the broken in us.

The band finishes fairly early and I head out to meet my dad and Shayla at the restaurant.

“Hey bro.” Walking in I’m greeted by Trey, I didn’t know he was coming with Shay or I would have invited Lana.

“Hey man, I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” I pat his back. Releasing him we walk inside, heading to the open bar. It’s nonsmoking in here, so we stay inside.

“Yeah, I drove Shayla into work today since I had the day off, so I just tagged along.” He winks. “Don’t act like you didn’t miss me at work, dick.” I punch his side with little impact, when he bends on instinct, I get him in a headlock and rub my knuckles into his hair.

“Ah, fuck you man, let me go.” He steps on my foot then punches me back in the ribs, enough to get out of my headlock but not enough to hurt. We laugh, pushing each other a few more times, like the grown ass children we are before we reach my dad. Shayla isn’t here but her purse is. Looking around I see her standing in line by the bathroom, texting.

“Dad, hey!” Shouting over the music I stand next to my dad hugging him quick then ordering myself a beer. I’m ready to relax and spend some time with my family and friends. I just wish Lana was here.

“So what’s new guys?” My dad asks looking between Trey and me.

“Nothing, just enjoying married life.” He smirks, I do like seeing how happy he is. For so long Trey was wallowing in the pits of hell with all his loss and drama. Now he’s content, a sap and completely smitten over my little sister—as he damn well should be—she’s fucking perfect.