“Maybe don’t put it like that.”

He chuckled. “Not exactly like that, no. But in some respects, I do owe me and Allison to what happened to him. As morbid as it sounds.”

“So, there’s a ‘you and Allison’ now?”

“I mean, not officially. But I guess being there with you that night and seeing what happened with Clint. What he did for you and what you were willing to do for him. It made me realize what I wanted, you know? I mean, with Allison. No offense.”

I shrugged. “None taken. You’re not my type anyway.”

“I don’t look very good in leather.”

“I mean, you might be able to pull off leather assless chaps.”

“Don’t go giving Allison any ideas now.”

I giggled. “You know damn good and well she’d die if you ever did that to her.”

“It’s one of the things I adore about her.”

I had to pause Michael’s story in order to check out a few customers. But they quickly dwindled down. He got his sandwich and his energy drink. And I was thankful for the soda he purchased for me. I clocked out for my ten-minute break, meandering outside to sit with Michael. We sat on a bench and watched the sun cast colors across the sky while the summer breeze slowly cooled us down.

I took a sip of my soda. “So, tell me what you adore about Allison.”

Michael almost choked on his sandwich. “What?”

“That’s where we left off a little bit ago. You said Allison’s lack of a sexual appetite was one of the many things you adore about her.”

“Not lack of a sex—Rae. Come on. You know what I meant.”

I giggled. “I’m giving you a hard time. I knew what you meant.”

“I mean, I just—it’s Allison, you know? She’s intelligent and cute. So, so cute. She’s got goals and ambitions, and she likes my jokes. Her hands are as soft as they look, too.”

I grinned. “Her hands

, huh?”

He rolled his eyes. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“What? I’ve held Allison’s hands a lot over the years. I know what they feel like.”

“Uh huh. I’m sure that’s what you meant.”

I threw my head back, laughing. “That’s exactly what I meant.”

“You’re a terrible liar.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t try.”

“You know I just—I keep thinking back to that night. Looking over the bridge and seeing Clint sprawled out. You know? And I just—I kept thinking about this crush I’ve got on Allison. Like, the fuck am I holding back for? What am I waiting for? It’s not like she’s going to approach me. She’s certainly not that kind of girl. And what if I get pushed over a bridge tomorrow? Or the next day? Am I really going to go out like that? With Allison not knowing how much I like her? She deserves better than that shit.”

I nodded. “She does.”

Michael paused. “I’m thinking of asking her to prom.”

I rolled my eyes. “After that entire diatribe, you’re only thinking about asking her?”

“Cut me some slack. I’ve already asked her to the movie and she invites me over every chance she gets. Give me at least some credit.”