“Welcome to Grady’s Groceries. How was your shopping trip?”

“Yes, the milk aisle has changed to accommodate more items. It’s over here, all the way down along the wall.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll make sure your coupon is acknowledged.”

“We do take competitor’s coupons! Because we pride ourselves on having the best prices in-store.”

“I’m sorry, we stopped carrying that kind of ice cream when their ingredients were proven to be genetically modified. But I can help you find some other wonderful choices.”

I put on the best face I could, even though I wasn’t happy with being at work. I wanted to spend more time with Clint. I still wanted to be at home, in bed, curled up next to him. His bruises had finally faded into nothingness and I caught a glimpse of the strong, brutal boy I remembered from school. From before all this happened. His touch seemed gentler, but his movements were still powerful. Still reminiscent of the fighter I knew was still deep down within him.

I wanted to experience more of him. Especially now that he had a new lease on life.

I couldn't deny the change I’d seen in him over the past few weeks. How toned down his reputation at school had become. How much he hung around me and Michael and Allison, as opposed to going back to Roy and Marina and the rest of those dickweeds. He paid more attention in classes. Didn’t crack jokes or cause a ruckus. The subdued nature that came over him during recuperation seemed to be trickling into his regular life, and I liked it. Not that I didn’t like him before. But he gave off the idea that he might want to pull away from all that bullying bullshit. The poking fun at people and making people’s lives a nightmare.

The thought made me smile.

“And here I thought work didn’t make anyone happy.”

Michael’s voice ripped me from my trance. “What in the world are you doing here?”

He smiled. “Can’t I come by and see my best friend while she’s stuck at work?”

“How did you know I had to work tonight?”

“The distressful text you sent Allison.”

I grinned. “So you were with her when I sent that text.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, we’ve been spending some time together.”

“Uh huh. And what kind of time are you spending with her?”

“Not the kind of time you and Clint are spending with one another, I’m sure.”

I snickered. “Hardy har har.”

“The deli still got those ham and turkey sandwiches?”

“And I know for a fact they just restocked your favorite energy drink in the vending machine outside.”

“Oh. Yes. When do you take your break?”

I paused. “Give me twenty minutes, and I can probably take ten. But not more than that.”

“Fair enough. I’ll go ahead and get my food and annoy you until you take your break.”


He winked. “Anytime, Rae.”

“Don’t let Clint catch you winking at me. He just might slug you for it.”

“I’d have a few words to say to him before he did something like that.”

“Wait. Like what?”

Michael shrugged. “Like, ‘Thank you for almost dying because it convinced me to kick things into gear with Allison.’”