Like me.

The blood of the Badlands’ very own devil and his deviant queen ran through his veins. How could anyone ever have expected him to be anything less than what he was?

I was proud to call him a friend, and Satanas had blessed me with being able to refer to him as a brother. Especially since mine let me down in every single way that counted.

I entered the storage room and flipped on the light. It was no longer dark outside, so some natural lighting filtered in through an upper window.

“Luce said your name was Star,” I stated in a way to announce myself.

“Luce?” I heard repeated softly.

I sat all my items down on one of the tables before going to the metal shelves that we used to hold various goods. I could feel her watching me from where she sat on the ground.

“Short for Lucifuge,” I replied, not real sure what the hell I was doing. I guess I hoped that getting her to talk would make her less uneasy. I wondered what Luce had said to her. I could practically feel the apprehension wafting off her in waves, and she’d been relatively calm before.

“Like Lucifer?”

I laughed to myself. “Something like that.”

I grabbed a tube of peppermint scented cleanser, brushing powder, and a wooden toothbrush.

After dumping one of the boxes from the table, I loaded everything together inside it, then went to retrieve the girl. She looked much better than she did when I put her in the kennel. There was a blanket inside now too, courtesy of Luce I assumed.

“Come on.” I undid the lock and freed the latch.

She didn’t move. I watched a debate play out across her face. Instead of leaving her to wonder what was going on, I decided to be as up front as I could.

“You can take a real shower and then I’ll find you some food.”

That had her rising to her feet. Keeping the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she came forward and exited the enclosure.

“Stay by my side.”

She nodded and fell into step beside me when I began to walk back towards the box I’d left on a table. The empty cuff dangled from her wrist, swinging aimlessly. I’d nearly forgotten she was in those. I could pick the lock to get them off, but I would wait until we got…

Where was I supposed to have her shower? I glanced down, only able to see the top of her head since she was looking straight.

We’d had a cubicle placed in the room Butcher was in, but that was only used to spray off blood if things got messy. Messy being anything from guts or bone matter.

There were a few spare bathrooms, but I didn’t feel comfortable with having her use them. It would have to be Luce’s room or mine. Bella’s could work too, but I was already imagining the commentary I’d get while waiting on Star to do what she needed to.

As we entered the main room, Star slowed. I followed the direction of her stare to the large inverted pentagram with our Baphomet’s head in the center. It hung on a massive tapestry just behind our dining table.

“Do you know what that is?” I asked, remembering Luce’s earlier words.

“Are you Lazarus?”

That was a name I hadn’t heard in a while, but it wasn’t unfamiliar. I didn’t know why a Savage symbolism would lead her to believe we were associated with them. This proved she really didn’t know who we were. But how was that possible? How isolated was the place she had come from?

“What do you know about em?” I asked, replacing her question with one of my own as we reached the stairs.

She shrugged, reaching to grab hold of the banister. “They’re private.”

Well, that didn’t tell me much of shit. I made a mental note to bring this up to Luce as we proceeded down the hall to my room. I opened the door and gestured for her to go in first.

She did so without protest, which reminded me yet again of something Luce had said.

“This is your room,” she noted.