Him being Samael. I didn’t know what to say to that. There wasn’t anything to add that I hadn’t already said a hundred times. He was angry and jaded for his own reasons. He’d been that way for a long time. No one noticed until it was far too late. I held no anger towards him for that, but it did nothing to change how I felt on the other matter.

I didn’t want Lilith near the deranged fucker, but in an entirely messed-up way, she couldn’t be safer anywhere else. I wrapped an arm around Bella’s shoulders and pulled her in for a half-hug.

“We can’t change what’s already happened. All we can do is keep going and strive for things to get better.”

“I know,” she muttered, lowering her gaze to the floor. “Still sucks.”

“That’s life, princess. You might as well get used to it because most times she’s a real demented bitch.”

“You sound like my mom.”

“Who is a beautiful and wise woman.”

She laughed lowly, leaning her head on my arm before moving away in the direction of her closet and disappearing inside.

I waited patiently, growing a tad concerned after a few items hit the ground. “Are you all right in there?”

She reemerged a split s

econd later holding two garments, one a simple piece of material I’d never seen her wear. And for good reason.

I pointed, “What is that?”

“It’s a dress.” She held it up so I could get a better look.

“Okay. Why do you have it?”

She gave me an exasperated look. “Don’t start with me. I’ve never even worn it because I know you’d all have meltdowns and probably force me to wear acolyte robes until I’m eighty.”

I walked over and took both from her, hanging the skimpy one over my shoulder so I could get a better view of the second. It wasn’t bad—the color of ivory and with a cinched waist. I looked from it to Bella.

“I don’t remember seeing you in this. In dresses ever, now that I think about it.”

“Because I’m not a dress kind of girl. You see this?” She waved a hand up and down to indicate her shorts, T, and flannel tied around her waist. “This is me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I went to move back towards the hallway, but she stopped me.

“Whoa. You can’t go yet. Hang on a second.”

She darted through a different door, the one that led to her attached bathroom, returning with a brush, a towel, and a washrag.

“You’ll have to find her something suitable to wash up with. Mine is almost out. Can you handle that?”

“I don’t think that will be too difficult,” I replied, accepting the additional items.

“Good luck, then,” she quipped, planting her hands on her hips.

“Right.” I turned to leave, and this time she didn’t stop me.

The main level of the compound was still empty, Luce and Ice not having returned from their mini mission.

I knew the not-knowing aspect of this situation would drive him up the damned wall. Lucifuge always knew everything. When he didn’t, he was a ruthless bloodhound seeking every fact, detail, and rumor to dispel.

He had a talent for figuring out all the stuff you wouldn’t want a single soul to ever know. Your fears and your dirty secrets. Your strengths and weaknesses.

Romero had crafted and molded him like a mad scientist does a perfect specimen. Whispers swirled that Luce was crueler than his dad had ever been, but I didn’t think him cruel in the slightest.

He was a Savage.