He made a sound I took to mean he agreed. I hadn’t shared this tidbit of information with my other sister yet. She was so much like our mom and dad that I knew she wasn’t going to be thrilled about having to be more Venom than Savage.

I’d tell her eventually. Timing was everything, and right now wasn’t it. She was due to arrive here in two days. Maybe I’d disclose it then. Or maybe I wouldn’t. It wasn’t at the top of my to-do list quite yet. Zane would take care of her, but that was beside the point.

We headed down to the lower level. I went right and Ice went straight, going for the front entrance.

My dad had taken it upon himself to have this entire building redone before I moved in. Hearing countless stories about the shit he and my uncles got up to inside of it, I appreciated that.

It may not have been as bad as what me and the boys once did, but Mom was part of the OG Savages. I could go my whole life without imagining where or how she participated and be perfectly fine.

I walked down the back hall, approaching the lone steel door that sat at the very end. The room beyond was soundproof, keeping all the beautifully tortured cries selfishly inside.

It took three seconds to key in the entry code. I went in, leaving the door to close itself. It smelled fucking terrible. I wasn’t sure why Cam insisted on keeping the corpse of the blonde Nyx had killed, but there the bitch was.

She was hanging from the ceiling like a raggedy ass piñata. Nah, I take that back. Having rotted so severely by this point, she looked more like one of those cornfield scarecrows. Complete with ugly clothes.

I guess Cam forgot the room had a ventilation system meant for this purpose. At the very least, he could do something about the bugs accumulating to feast on whatever pieces of her were left.

He and his dad were facing away from me, blocking my view of their ongoing pet project. Not

for the first time, I wondered how long they were going to keep at this. I walked over to where they were standing.

Neither acknowledged me until I was beside the chair Butcher was strapped to. His one good eye rolled upward to focus on me.

I imagined he was glaring, but his face was too swollen to be sure. There was a thick wad of cotton gauze wrapped around his mouth so he couldn’t talk shit either.

I didn’t have a single shred of sympathy for him. He was lucky to be in my presence. Nyx was supposed to have killed him—instead she came to me and decided this was Cam’s right. I agreed, but at the time I hadn’t been sure he could do it. Now, I was positive he was more than capable of taking his brother’s life. In fact, I think the act would do him a lot of good.

Once upon a time, the two of them had been nearly identical. Only those who knew them could tell them apart.

After what had been done to him over the past two weeks, no one would ever mistake who was who again.

Not that Butcher would live long enough for that scenario to happen. Since his ass couldn’t walk, I didn’t see any chance of escape in his future. He was going to die in this room.



All because he couldn’t be happy with the position he’d been given to play.

“I think we finally got something,” Cam said, wiping his bloodied hands with a gunk smeared cloth.

I eyed the broken teeth in the metal tray beside him. I didn’t know Butcher had any left. “And that is?”

“I’ll tell you in the car.”

Of course, he knew why I’d come in here. It was a routine we’d seemed to have fallen into.

He did his thing, coped with the shit in his head, and I made sure he knew that the world still existed.

It was a measure I put in place to keep him semi-sane.

I wasn’t sure how long it would take for him to get over this. Maybe he never would. Either way, I’d have his back. I glanced between him and his dad, who had yet to look away from Butcher.

I couldn’t lie and say I related to the way he felt. I’d never been as close with Braxton as I was with Cam. For appearance’s, sake I’d kept him closer. I always had an underlying suspicion he was up to something. My only regret was not acting on it right away and putting my attentions… elsewhere.

A lot of hurt could have been prevented. Many lives could have been spared.

But what was done was done.