“The senior acolytes who have been weeding people out since before you were even a thought in Dad’s head?”
“Or swimming in his balls,” Ice added, making her laugh.
I was tempted to launch the entire fucking file box at him, but he got a pass for making Bella smile. He’d become good at that, and it was great for her.
There were two main priorities in my life: the Savages and the Badlands.
In that exact order.
One was my family, the other was my home. Outside of them, nothing mattered.
So, seeing my baby sis smiling again after being an empty shell for the past month was important to me on a deeply personal level.
“You know if any of these people get accepted after they lied, they’ll be killed?”
Ice laughed. “Are you saying that because you’ve suddenly just developed a conscious?”
“Let’s hope not. I don’t think our dad would appreciate that,” Bella quipped. “Besides, what happens to them doesn’t matter.”
“Doesn’t matter, huh?”
“Nope. Being desperate to survive doesn’t equate to throwing out all common sense.” She shrugged. “Plus, not our problem. We’re in a pretty good position considering who our parents are, but we still have our own issues to deal with.”
“Look at you, you’re growing up to be so mature,” Ice joked.
“Shut up, idiot.”
I shook my head and laughed quietly at the two of them. She was right. This was a waste of time. It was a task I had only taken upon myself to keep busy as I waited for Cam. The acolytes could handle it. They had to, because I couldn’t take any more of people proclaiming bullshit.
I shoved the box aside and stretched, cracking my neck to loosen it up. Pushing away from the corner desk, I stood and took a quick look at each monitor that hung on the wall. They all showed different areas of the interior and exterior of the building.
Dad’s truck was gone. So was Uncle Grimm’s bike, but the car Cobra had followed them here in was still parked outside.
Glancing down at the corner screen, I saw him exactly where I expected to. He was in the playroom with Cam. I couldn’t remember how long he’d been in there, which meant it was time for him to take a break.
“We’ve got a few perimeters to check over yet. You up to doing one tonight?” I asked Ice.
He shrugged. “Unless Samael decides to spontaneously pop up, it’s not like we’ve got much else to do.”
The mere mention of his name had my sister’s face falling. There was something there, something she wouldn’t tell anyone about. My dad and I had picked up on it the day after she got back, but with Sam, who fucking knew. We’d questioned her to no end.
To date, we still didn’t know where the little shit had hidden Lilith.
The kid wasn’t wrapped too tight. Intelligent as fuck, no doubt, but twice as unstable. I always told Cam he was going to be trouble, an issue that would one day cause us problems. Not even I saw this coming.
Ice slid a spare piece of paper in between the pages of his book, and then sat it to the side. “You grab Cam, I’ll pull one of the trucks around.”
“What about me?” Bella asked. “Can I come?”
“Sure.” I shrugged, heading out into the hall with Ice right behind me.
“Is that a good idea?” Ice asked. “Might not be safe.”
“My sister will always be safe with us, and she doesn’t need to be sheltered. She needs to be very fucking aware of anything and everything that’s out there. This is not going to be Addy 2.0.”
“Adelaide isn’t that bad.”
“I never said she was. She’s fucking great, if we’re being honest. She’ll be even better when she unites with Z, fully. But things could have gone differently if they weren’t so sheltered.”