I kicked the door shut with my boot in case Bella was lurking nearby. “What gave it away?”

“It looks like you.”

“I wasn’t aware a room could have a human appearance.” I carried the box to my bed and sat it down.

She took in my bedroom with the same curious nature she seemed to do everything else. There truly wasn’t anything that spectacular about the space.

It was once my father’s. Thankfully he’d done away with the boldness of the paint color before I took it over. That never would have worked. It was decent sized and decorated much like Luce’s room, only slightly darker.

I didn’t have the hints of lime green he’d added to his. Everything was black or gray. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my switchblade. The faint swish garnered me Star’s full focus.

She turned her head and fixed her pretty eyes on the blade. Unsurprisingly, no fear seemed to register. She simply stared. I liked that she wasn’t afraid of us. I wouldn’t have known how to deal with her otherwise.

“The bathroom’s through that door. If you want, I can remove the cuffs before you go in and shower.”

She nodded and walked over to stand in front of me, holding up the wrist still encased in one of the silver cuffs. Being as gentle as I could, I took hold of it and inserted the tip of my blade into the small hole meant for the key.

We were so close I could see all the things I’d been trying to pretend weren’t blindingly on display. Like her tits. Both were completely visible in what she had on. They weren’t huge by any means, but I was confident that I could fit them in each hand comfortably.

Swallowing, I worked quickly to pick the lock, concentrating on not taking another look below her waist.

“Was someone attached to the other side?” I asked to distract myself.

Her gaze dropped immediately, giving me the first real sign of emotion from her.

“They didn’t make it,” she answered quietly.

Her reply both interested and bothered me. I was no stand-up citizen, but chaining two girls together and dressing them in see-through gowns?

That came off creepy as hell to me, which said a lot. What was the reason? And what happened to the other one?

The cuff popped open after another slight twist of my blade, freeing her wrist and giving me a glimpse of faded bruises.

“What’s your name?” she asked before I could inquire about them.

“Cameron, but you can call me Cam.”

She nodded more to herself than me, rubbing the area the cuffs had been covering. “Thank you, Cam.”

“Wasn’t a big deal. Do you want me to carry the box?”

She shook her head and lifted it herself, staring up at me once she’d gotten a good grip. Damn, her eyes. They were a soft gray with a warm undertone, set beneath dark lashes. I needed to stop staring, but that was easier said than done.

Her cheekbones were high, nose small like her chin and slightly upturned. She looked as fragile as a doll, but I was beginning to think that was far from the case.

I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck. “Uh, you can go and get cleaned up.”

“You’re not coming?”

Fifty different responses came to mind for that. I stepped around her and scooped the cuffs off the floor. She hadn’t presented the question in a sexual manner. That would have drastically changed my answer.

“I’m going to wait out here. Just leave the door open.”

“Okay…” she trailed off.

As I watched her disappear into the next room, a million questions and theories began rising to the forefront of my mind.