He had imagined a lot of things when he found his woman, but not this. Not this kind of powerful passion or overwhelming emotion. The kind of emotion that could destroy a man if he lost her. He understood so many things now. The way Trap was with Cayenne. Luther with his Lotty. Just kissing Jonquille gave him entrance into a world he’d never imagined existed. He’d always thought he’d find his pairing and he’d love her, but he hadn’t expected this—passion. Streaks of bright, hot love so strong he knew he’d give his life for her, that he’d live a half existence if he lost her.

In his arms, next to his enormous strength, her little body felt fragile and feminine. Slight. Delicate like a fairy from another realm, and yet she had a core of steel, was a warrior every bit as strong and enduring as he was. He lifted his head and kissed his way down her chin, that stubborn little chin he’d come to love.

Outside the rain came down in a soft melody, the drops falling into the river and up onto the bank, hitting the trees and the roof of the house. Each note was different depending on where the droplets fell, orchestrating a song for them. He reached down and caught at the hem of her T-shirt and tugged. She lifted her arms without any hesitancy, and his breath caught as he pulled the top free. He’d seen her body before that first night in the cabin, but this time she was giving herself to him and it felt very different.

“You’re so beautiful, Jonquille.” He kissed his way from her chin to her throat—from her throat to the swell of her breasts.

She reached behind her to unhook her bra, giving him access to the soft weight, tumbling into his waiting hands. His heart accelerated. She was just giving herself to him, the way she did with her kisses. All in. No hesitation. He inhaled the scent of her skin. That fragrance of coral honeysuckle and daffodils.

Shockingly, need was clawing at him, a monster raging at his belly and groin, something that had never happened to him. He’d never considered that it could happen. Love for her kept his touch gentle and him ignoring his own needs. He kissed his way over and around her breasts, avoiding her nipples. He ran his exploring tongue along her ribs and then nibbled his way back up to the undersides of her breasts.

Her legs moved restlessly as he pinned her hips under his. Just having her there on his bed was a miracle, the raining drumming on the roof, matching the pounding of the blood rushing hotly through his veins. His body had never been so thick or so full. He took the time to strip his clothes away, the feel of the fabric against his skin too heavy of an encumbrance. He tugged her jeans from her hips as well, drawing them down and tossing them to the floor so there was nothing left between them.

Skin to skin. He had wanted her like this. All that soft skin. He nuzzled her left nipple, heard her gasp and then drew that stiff little peak into the hot cavern of his mouth and suckled strongly. She let out a soft little cry and arched into him. He tugged gently and rolled her right nipple while her hips jerked and her entire body shuddered under his as his tongue teased her. He used his every expertise to bring her the greatest pleasure, his tongue a rasp of velvet, lapping, teasing, and then suddenly a little rougher and more demanding before switching to her other breast to ensure the same treatment.

Nipping gently with his teeth as he pulled back, eyes on hers, he watched desire flare hot and bright through her with satisfaction. He couldn’t help the way he ran his hand possessively from her throat to the tiny silvery curls covering her mound. Her legs shifted restlessly under him again.

“In my wildest dreams, Lightning Bug, I never thought I’d feel this way about a woman. I can’t even put into words how I feel about you.”

The scent of her was driving him insane. The way every inch of her was soft beyond measure. Pleasure coursed through his body, as hot as the lightning strikes that seemed to flash bright white and scorching through his bloodstream straight to his cock. His mouth was back at her breasts, while his hand slid along her inner thigh, urging her legs apart for him.

Very gently he bit down on her nipple while he stroked caresses along her thigh upward, toward all the smoldering heat, until he brushed at her silvery curls with his knuckles. She gasped. The silver circling the blue of her eyes thickened even more and her breath caught in her throat. Rubin. Even telepathically, her voice was breathless.