Watching her reaction, feeling and seeing her heightened desire, just fueled the fire building in him. His heart beat wildly in reaction as his palm inevitably covered the moist heat between her legs. Her body flushed, the color creeping up her belly, breasts, into her neck and face until she was a beautiful rose color. Her breath caught on a moan, a soft sound that made his cock jerk with his own desperate need.

I don’t think I can breathe.

He found himself smiling as he kissed his way along her rib cage, exploring her soft skin. Lower still. She had a darling little belly button. He took his time there, while he settled his wide shoulders between her thighs, spreading her legs wide for him.

You can breathe, Lightning Bug. Her hands were in his hair. Fingers twisting in his scalp. He liked that. He slipped his finger into her slick heat and her lashes fluttered. Lips parted in a startled soft cry and her hips bucked.

Jonquille stared up at Rubin’s face, the lines carved deep with a harsh sensuality. His eyes were dark and hooded, his desire stark, raw and intense. He dipped his head and lapped at her belly button, fingers tugging at her right nipple. One finger slid into her sex, making her gasp. Lightning was fierce, white hot and jagged, sizzling through her bloodstream, striking at her core. Thunder crashed and roared in her ears while the tension coiled tighter and tighter in her body with an unrelenting, merciless pressure.

Rubin stroked his tongue down her belly in a series of caresses that took her breath and had her squirming, her breath coming in hot, ragged pants. “Honestly, Lightning Bug, I’ve wondered if the flavor of you would match the scent of your skin and the taste of your kisses.”

His voice, always unfailingly low and soft, was rougher, rumbling over her body like a roll of thunder. Dark hunger was etched deep into the lines of his face, was there in the raw desire so intense in his hooded eyes. She could barely breathe with wanting him. With the anticipation of his every touch. Of every stroke of his tongue. He looked, not for the first time, like a hungry predator, about to devour her. A little thrill of nerves shot down her spine, but she was desperate for him to continue.

As always, Rubin took his time, kissing his way around her belly button to her mound and the tiny silvery curls there. Her hips jerked as he very slowly and deliberately spread her thighs apart, opening her to him.

“So beautiful, Lightning,” he whispered.

The rain intensified, falling harder, hitting the leaves of the trees, the roof, and the river, producing various sounds to go with her soft moans as he shifted his body, his wide shoulders between her thighs. She could see his face, those planes and angles she’d fallen so in love with. She knew them by memory. She’d drawn them. She had them in her mind. Mapped them with the pads of her fingers. Outside, the wind had picked up and blew through the trees, making them sway, casting shadows throughout the room through the wide windows. Casting shadows over Rubin.

Her breath caught in her lungs as she watched the way his eyes went from dark brown, almost black, to those of an animal on the hunt at night. He had the frightening yellow glow of the wolf staring at her hungrily. He seemed to almost disappear for a moment in those shifting shadows, but his grip on her legs didn’t waver. She blinked, her heart pounding, and once more his features were fully there again, a harsh mask of pure sensuality. Those wolf’s eyes were focused utterly and completely on her, so intense it was shocking.

He dipped his head slowly, that wealth of dark hair spilling around his forehead. It should have made him look feminine, just like his long lashes, but there was nothing feminine about him. He had too strong of a jaw, too intensely masculine.

Rubin’s tongue did a slow foray up the inside of her right thigh, stopping just beside her pulsing clit. She wasn’t certain she was going to survive. She wouldn’t have been able to stay still if he weren’t holding her legs. The anticipation was shocking. He did the same on the left side. Her entire body jerked. She felt his warm breath. Every nerve ending in her body was acutely aware of him, sizzled with fire, with electrical currents, running from her deepest core to her breasts, to her brain. Throughout her bloodstream. She’d never been so aware of herself as female and so aware of a man as utterly male.

His tongue suddenly, without warning, swiped through her hot, needy folds. A streak of lightning stunned her, racing straight up her body in a shimmering bolt of white-hot fire to flash behind her eyes, nearly blinding her with alarming, unexpected and quite shocking pleasure. His hands gripped her thighs. She’d forgotten his enormous strength and he was wielding it, yet even with his strength, his thumb moved back and forth against her skin in a caress meant to soothe her.