“But… everything… went okay?” Danny asks, her voice sounding stronger.

“Yes, we got it all. The treatment will take care of the rest. It’s increased your chances for survival by a lot. I can’t give you a number of years, but it’s positive. Okay?”

Danny’s smile widens. “Thank… you.”

“No, thank you, Danny. Thanks for trusting me and for being so brave.”

I tighten my hold on her hand, wanting to hug the living shit out of the doctor.

“Get some rest,” Dr. Friedman says before he smiles at me.

“Thank you so much,” I murmur, wishing there was a way I could express my gratitude.

Every year or even every month he can give us means everything to me. A cure might come along, or a new treatment. Time. We just need more time, and right now, he’s given it to us.

“I’ll be right back.” I go after Dr. Friedman and catch him in the hallway. “Doctor.”

He turns around and smiles when he sees me. Holding out my hand to him, he instantly takes it. “Thank you so much for what you’ve done and what you’re still going to do. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

A comforting expression settles on his face. “I’m just doing what I’d do for any of my family members. I lost my father to Glioblastoma, so I’m really passionate about it.”

“I’m just grateful we have you as Danny’s doctor.”

He leans in, giving me a quick pat on the back. “Stay strong. Okay? We’re going to kick cancer's butt.”

I let out a chuckle because doctors were always just… doctors. Looking at the man as he walks away, I’m filled with awe at the miracle he performed today, and it makes me see him in a whole new light.

Rushing back to Danny, I take hold of her hand again, and I can’t stop smiling from just seeing her alive.

Right now, she’s here. She’s still with me.

That’s all that matters.

Chapter 25


Besides headaches, my speech slurring, and muscle weakness, I feel much better than I thought I would.

I was moved back to my room early this morning, and I’m totally taking that as another win. Dr. Friedman said he wants to wait a week before starting with radiation just so I can get a little stronger.

My parents, Uncle Rhett, and Aunt Jamie went to get us breakfast. Christopher and Tristan also just left to get back to work.

It's just Ryker and me for a precious couple of minutes. I love my family and friends, but it’s overwhelming trying to deal with everyone all at once.

I try to tighten my hold on his hand, and it has his eyes snapping to my face, and then a smile tugs at his lips. “You’re getting stronger.”

“Yeah,” I murmur. Taking a deep breath, I say, “Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything.” He leans closer, wrapping his other hand around my wrist. He keeps holding onto me as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear if he lets go.

“Can you talk to everyone? It’s overwhelming if they visit in groups.”

Ryker nods. “Two at a time?”

I nod, my mouth curving up. “Please.”

“I’ll take care of it,” he says, and leaning over me, he presses a kiss to my lips.

When he starts to pull back, I whisper, “Wait. I want to smell you.”

Ryker closes the small distance, and then his lips brush over my jaw and cheek while I take a deep breath of him. Closing my eyes, I focus only on him, and it helps me to relax.

“I love you,” I murmur.

Ryker brings one of his hands to the left side of my face, and then he just stares at me. Seeing how much he cares for me… reminds me of what I’m fighting for.

This man.

I need to live for him.

His mouth curves up into the sexy smile I love so much, and it draws a chuckle from me. “God. That smile.”

“Only for you, babe,” he murmurs.

“I better not catch you smiling like that at anyone else, or it will be you lying in this bed.”

Ryker chuckles, and hearing the sound brings unexpected tears to my eyes. It has me whispering, “My favorite sound.” I take in his handsome features, then add, “You’re my favorite everything.”

“You’re my favorite too,” he grins.

He looks so happy it has me saying, “You look very happy.”

“It’s because you’re kicking this thing's ass, just like I knew you would.”

We bask in the win we just had, and then Ryker sends out a message to everyone to only visit two at a time. When he puts his phone away, he mutters, “This room is going to get very busy with everyone wanting to check on you. Let me know whenever you need to rest so I can make sure it’s quiet.”

My lips curve up again, and I manage to lift my hand to his arm. “I’m so lucky to have you.”