Ryker tilts his head, then he murmurs, “I’m the lucky one.”

When my cousin, Jase, and Ryker’s sister, Mila, come into the room, I smile.

Mila places a cute tiny bear on my lap. “We weren’t sure if you were allowed to receive flowers.”

“He’s perfect. Thank you.”

Jase grips hold of my right hand. “How are you holding up?”

I shrug. “I’m doing okay.”

Mila looks at my left hand, then she asks, “Aren’t you allowed to wear jewelry?”

“Oh shit,” Ryker mutters. “With everything that happened, I forgot.” He pulls the ring from his breast pocket then comes to slip it back onto my finger.

Mila lifts my hand to look at the ring, then she gives her older brother a teasing grin. “Not bad.” Her gaze turns back to me. “I always wanted an older sister.”

“Well, I’ve got the older part covered,” I chuckle.

I’m eleven years Mila’s senior, but before I can start feeling awkward, Ryker leans over me, pressing a kiss to my left temple.

Jase gives me a playful grin. “Are you ready for some news?”

“Give it to me.”

“Mila’s agreed to be my PA.”

I let out a sputter of laughter, then glance at Mila. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

“Someone has to keep him in line,” she mutters.

Jase took over as CEO of CRC Holdings, our sister company, and I know his current PA, Stephanie, is retiring soon.

“Just don’t let it interfere with your relationship,” I warn them.

“We won’t,” Jase assures me. “We’re also planning on getting married at the end of the year.”

Not knowing what the future holds for me, my smile dims a little. Glancing at Mila’s left hand, I ask, “Where’s the ring?”

Mila lets out a chuckle. “We actually just got to talking about getting married, but he hasn’t proposed yet.”

My eyebrow lifts as I turn my gaze to Jase, and it has him saying, “I’m hoping she’ll forget about it so I can actually surprise her.”

“Yeah?” Ryker asks. “And how’s that working for you?”

Jase shakes his head. “Not in my favor.”

We all chuckle then Mila gives my hand a squeeze. “We’ll visit again. Keep getting better. Okay?”

Nodding at her, I say, “Thanks for popping in. I appreciate it.”

Jase leans closer and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Love you.”

I give my cousin a warm smile. “Love you too.” I watch as Jase takes hold of Mila’s hand, and after they leave the room, I murmur, “I’m happy for them.”

“Yeah,” Ryker agrees as he sits down again, linking his fingers with mine. He presses a kiss to my ring finger, then just stares at me.

“How do you feel about your sister marrying my cousin?” I ask.

Ryker shrugs. “Jase is a good man. I know he’ll take care of her.” Then he lets out a chuckle. “You know Dash and Mila both have the twin gene, right?”

A wide smile spreads over my face. “God, I’d pay good money to see Christopher’s face if they’re expecting twins.”

“That makes two of us.”

Tilting my head, I say, “That means you have the gene as well.”

“Yeah, but I can only pass it on to my daughter.”

My smile fades as I murmur, “Your daughter.”

“Our daughter,” Ryker corrects himself.

Heartache washes through me. I shake my head and glance to the window. The sky is clear outside, yet it doesn’t feel like the sun is reaching into the room.

“Danny,” Ryker says as he leans forward.

I shake my head again, trying my best to regain control over my emotions. It’s a simple slip-up, but still, it hurts like hell because it will probably be true. Ryker might have a daughter one day… just not with me.

And I want that for him. I want him to find happiness after me.

Still, it will mean I’m dead.

He’ll meet a new woman, and she’ll be the one he loves. The one he makes love to.

“I didn’t mean it that way,” he murmurs.

I close my eyes when the deep ache spreads through me. I can fight this all I want, but at some point, my time will run out.


Dammit, I fucked up.


I move onto the side of the bed, and framing Danny’s face, I try to get her to look at me, but she won’t. She sucks in a quivering breath, and it breaks my heart that I just hurt her.

Leaning closer, I press my forehead to hers. “I’m sorry.”

“But it’s true,” she whispers brokenly. “One day, you’ll have children. Just not with me.”

Pulling slightly back, I shake my head, and then she finally opens her eyes. “I won’t. Unless it’s with you, there’s no way I’ll have children.”

The fear returns to Danny’s face. “We both know the surgery was just a temporary fix. No matter how hard I fight, the day will come when I’ll die of this.”

I shake my head harder. “I refuse to believe that. The radiation and chemo will take care of whatever’s left.”