“You don’t have to worry about that at all. The entire reason why I’ve planned this getaway for us is because I know it’s for her safety. She’ll have a good time, we’ll get our minds off things, and she’ll be safe. You have my word.”

Her mother dropped her voice. “And make sure she calls me. You know how she can be.”

I leaned forward, winking. “I’ll call you myself if I have to.”

She smiled. “Good. I think we’ll get along just fine, then.”

Her father never did come back to the table, but that didn’t seem to bother anyone. Dani, Mrs. Young, and I had a fabulous dinner together where she got to shoot questions my way and I answered them to the best of my ability. The dinner went a great deal better than either of us thought it would. And while I was sad at the fact that her father didn’t feel like he could return, I knew he’d like me with time.

Once he figured out the kind of man I was, anyway.

Mrs. Young yawned. “That meal requires a nap.”

Dani yawned, too. “You’re not joking.”

I chuckled. “I could go another round, honestly.”

Her mother giggled. “With how big you are? You could go another two rounds, I’m sure.”

I chuckled. “Big boys gotta eat.”

Mrs. Young reached for the check. “I’ll get this.”

I quickly reached out my hand, wrapping it around her wrist. “Let me.”

Her eyes met mine. “Let me do this for you guys. As a small gesture of peace. And don’t you worry about my husband. I’ll make sure he comes around.”

Dani slid her hand down my arm. “Thanks, Mom. We appreciate it.”

She pried my hand away from her mother’s wrist and intertwined our fingers. It didn’t sit well with me, her mother paying for us. But I guess it was the best decision. We’d need all of the money we could pool together for this trip we were taking. Especially after the money I’d just dropped on the gift I had for her back at the house.

“Will you call before you leave?” Mrs. Young asked.

Dani nodded. “Of course we will. We can’t tell you where we’re going. At least until the captain says it’s okay. But I’ll call you before we leave and after we land.”

Mrs. Young nodded. “Okay. Good, good.”

“Will you tell Dad that I love him?”

I jumped in. “That we love him?”

Her mother smiled at my words. “Of course I will, you two. Leave it to me.”

Dani smiled. “Thanks, Mom.”

Her mother nodded. “And thank you both for this dinner. While I’m not completely settled on anything, I feel a bit more stable. It’ll take time. Lots and lots of time. But give us that time and we’ll work with you.”

I nodded. “Whatever you need.”



I closed my eyes. “Well, that was… interesting.”

Max chuckled, sliding on his helmet. “Interesting is one way to put it.”

“At least Mom stayed for the entire dinner.”