Her mother clicked her tongue. “When are you leaving, honey?”

Her father hissed. “You can’t possibly be okay with this.”

Dani leaned against me. “Tomorrow, actually.”

Her mother’s eyes widened. “Tomorrow? Are you kidding me!? That’s not enough time. We can’t possibly--you can’t--but your stuff--it--”

I watched her father grind his teeth together to keep from speaking as her mother leaned forward.

“Sweetheart, that’s not enough time. Please reconsider this. So much has happened, and we just--”

Dani shook her head. “I won’t reconsider. I can’t. But I can tell you I’ll stay in touch. I’ll keep you in the loop. You have my word on that. Once we get to where we’re going, I’ll call you. I’ll tell you all sorts of stories and keep you abreast of what’s happening. And I won’t ever lie to you again. Not a single word. I promise you.”

Her mother swallowed hard. “No lies?”

Her father turned to face her. ‘You can’t be seriously considering this, Rena. She’s twenty years old, for crying out loud!”

She snapped at him, “And if it wasn’t for your hot head and your insane actions in the first place, we wouldn't be here. Peter, where in the world do you think our daughter gets it from, huh? The not thinking. The jumping in head first. The irrational decisions based on her gut and nothing else. Who in the world does that sound like?”

Dani suppressed a giggle as I stroked my fingertips along the back of her arm. Her parents bickered with one another before her father got up and walked away. Which didn’t shock me one bit. I was proud of Dani for not trying to stop him. I was proud of her for focusing on her mother instead of indulging the walk-off and ending the dinner.

“You just have to try and see this from our point of view, sweetheart. Like we’re trying to do with you,” she said.

Dani nodded. “I know. I’m trying to do that. And I know this is hard for you guys. You two have dictated most of the moves I’ve made ever since I was born. But you also have to understand that constantly hovering and trying to control my movements is part of the reason why I never felt I could talk to you about this in the first place.”

Her mother’s eyes watered. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

She took her mother’s hand across the table. “I know, Mom. I know you are. And I know this is hard. Genuinely, truly hard for you guys. But from now on, no more lies. No more secrets. Complete and total transparency, from here on out.”

“Can I ask just one thing of you?”

“Anything, Mom.”

She sighed. “Is it possible to have this captain’s number? I mean, just in case something happens while you’re gone and you can’t get in touch with us?”

I smiled. “I’ll make sure you get it before we leave, yes.”

Her mother looked over at me with eyes full of relief, and I knew we’d made a lot of progress. Maybe not with her father. But certainly with her mother.

And for that, I was happy.

“Do you have any questions for me, Mrs. Young?” I asked.

She released Dani’s hand. “Plenty.”

I chuckled. “I’m more than willing to answer any you have.”

Dani leaned against me and I cuddled her close.

“Actually, I just have one question I need answered right now,” her mother said.

I nodded. “Shoot.”

“Max, do you love my daughter?”

I didn’t skip a beat. “More than anything or anyone I’ve ever come across in my life.”

She pointed at me. “Then you do everything you can to protect her while she’s gone. You got it?”