Dad butted in. “What’s his name and where did you meet him? I want to shake his hand before you two go any further.”

I rolled my eyes. This incessant helicopter parenting was getting very, very old.

“No one is shaking anyone’s hand when I’m still trying to figure things out myself,” I said.

Mom squealed. “Have you been on a date with him? What’s his name? What does he look like? Have you two had coffee yet? Has it progressed to dinner? Oh, I bet he took you out somewhere nice, didn’t he? Tell us everything.”

Dad harrumphed. “I still want to shake his hand before he takes you anywhere.”

I rolled my eyes. “His name is Max. Everything is fresh and new. We’re still just talking. I just didn’t find it fair or proper to accept a coffee date with some other guy while I’m talking to another. I don’t like that.”

“Oh, no no,” Mom said hastily, “you made the right decision.”

Dad sighed. “Max who? What’s his last name?”

I pulled into Max’s driveway. “I gotta go, guys. I’ll call when I can.”

“Wait, at least tell us what you--!”

I hung up the phone call and turned off the car. Then I decided to turn my phone off, too. I noticed there was a truck in Max’s driveway. A truck that looked oddly familiar. It wasn’t John’s. He drove a beat-up hatchback.

Who in the world is at Max’s place?

I turned my car off and slipped out. I headed for the front door and didn’t even bother knocking. Mostly because the door was already ajar in the first place. I softly pushed it open and stuck my head in, and the smell of booze filled my nostrils.

“Max? You here?” I called out.


Rupert’s voice came around the corner and it hit me. That’s why the truck looked so familiar. It was Rupert’s. I walked inside and closed the door behind me, locking it for good measure.

“Rupert? Where’s Max?” I called out.

I watched him duck around the corner with a cocky grin on his face.

“Hey, Max! Your girl’s here!”

I winced. “Yeah. Thanks.”


I paused. “Uh oh.”

Rupert nodded. “It’s been a night.”


My eyebrows rose. “Oh, boy.”

Rupert chuckled. “Did I mention it’s been a night?”

I watched Max stumble around the corner before Rupert held out his arm. He caught Max just as he tripped, saving him from falling flat on his face. I put my hand to my mouth and tried to hold back my giggles. Max’s hair was disheveled and his eyes were half-hooded with drunkenness.

That explains the smell of booze.

Max held his arms out. “Dani, dear. You sexy little thing. Come give me a kiss.”

He threw himself headfirst down the hallway and it was all I could do to get underneath him. I caught him just before he tumbled to the floor, with Rupert rushing up behind him. I pressed my hands against his chest. I helped him stand up as he practically pawed me in front of his best friend. He squeezed my ass. Massaged my tits. Licked his lips as he rubbed his pelvis against my own.