I crooked an eyebrow. “Someone’s a bit frisky tonight.”

Max winked. “I’m always frisky when you’re around.”

I peeked over at Rupert. “Did the two of you have a little too much fun tonight?”

Rupert frowned. “Actually, not really. Max here had a bad afternoon. Been chronically drunk since dinner time. I’m actually glad you’re here.”

I paused. “A bad day? What happened?”

Max took my hand. “Bah. Who the fuck cares? You’re here, and that’s all that matters. Come here.”

“I’m com--oh!”

Rupert waved at us. “Have fun, you two!”

Max dragged me down the hallway before we stumbled into his bedroom. I barely got the door closed behind me before he ripped my leather jacket down my arms. I spun around, watching as he fought his own arms to get out of his coat. He spun around like a dog trying to catch its tail, shrugging the leather off. Only for it to fold over onto itself and pinch his skin.

“Ah. Shit. The fuck? What the--who the hell made this? I need a new coat!”

I giggled. “Here. Let me help, Drunkie McDrunkerton.”

He stumbled around and could hardly stand up as I helped him out of his things. I tossed his jacket to the floor. I peeled his shirt over his head. I tried not to stare at his tattoos too much as I pulled his belt through its loops. I tossed the leather to the ground before leading him over to his bed. I crouched down, feeling him fist my hair as I helped him out of his boots.

“These jeans are next, beautiful. And when they come off? You’re gittin’ it good.”

I snickered. “Gittin’ it, huh? Can’t wait, hot stuff.”

I slid his socks off before I stood up. I pushed his chest playfully, watching his back fall to the mattress. I stepped away from his body, walking around to the other side of the bed. And as he rolled over to keep me in view, I started taking my own clothes off.

“Hell yeah, gorgeous. Show me that body.”

I grinned at him. “That’s what I plan on doing if you can stay awake long enough.”

The truth of the matter is that I already saw his eyes fluttering closed. As much as he wanted to stay awake, he simply couldn’t. I only got my shoes and my jacket off before his soft snoring filled the room. And just to tickle my own funny bone, I took off my bra and tossed it at his face.

Startling him awake before he held it above his eyes.

“Nice,” he murmured.

I snickered. “Come on. Let’s cuddle for a bit.”

“You know I want more than a cuddle, gorgeous.”

“I know, I know, you big lug. But cuddling always leads to the best sex, don’t you think?”

He chuckled as he barrel-rolled himself to the top of the bed. Watching him trying to get beneath the covers made me snicker and giggle to myself. He looked like a fish out of water. Or a fully grown adult having to learn how to use his arms and legs again. I slapped my hand over my mouth as he finally got beneath the covers. Because the satisfied groan he let out sounded like he had exploded in his pants.

“Feeling good there, Max?”

His eyes fell closed. “Better if you’re here.”

I smiled softly. “Coming right up.”

Still in my jeans and my blouse, I slipped underneath the covers with him. I scooted close, pressing my leg between his. His hand cupped my cheek. His lips found mine. And even though the taste of beer was overwhelming, it didn’t stop me from indulging. It didn't stop me from tasting him. It didn’t stop me from rolling on top of him, settling between his legs, and letting our tongues fall together.

“Mmmm, Dani.”

I giggled. “Hi there.”