I chuckled, sliding my finger all the way to her outer thigh. “Or even right here.”

She slapped my hand away. “Down, boy. Our water isn’t gone just yet.”

I grinned. “What happens when it’s gone?”

“You’re bad, you know that?”

“Very. You’re just now learning this?”

She shook her head. “Never a dull moment with you, is there?”

I picked up my water bottle. “Not when my father is sending people after me, no.”

She paused. “Wait, what?”

I chugged back some of my water before she turned to face me.

“Did you just say your father’s the one sending men after you?”

I sighed. “I don’t have a way to be sure of it just yet. But my gut tells me that’s what’s really happening.”

“Wait, but why? I don’t think I’ve even heard you mention anything about your parents. And now, your father is the one hunting you down?”

“To be fair, my father hunts a lot of people down. Doesn’t make me special.”

“I--you--but--what the fuck does that even mean?”

I snickered. “Cussing suits you.”

“Seriously, Max. Why do you think your own father is the one sending these people after you?”

I clasped my hands behind my head. “For one, my family situation is complicated. At best. In my father’s world, money makes everything go round. And he’s never had a soft spot for the likes of me. John? Sure. Because John’s more of a pushover than I am. He can manipulate my brother easier than he can me.”

“So you really think your father doesn’t like you?”

I scoffed. “I know he doesn’t.”

“Why not? I mean, you’re his son.”

I shrugged. “Been asking myself that question my entire life. If you figure out the answer, let me know.”

She sighed. “I’m so sorry, Max.”

“Don’t be. I didn’t tell you any of that so you could feel sorry for me. You had questions you wanted answered, so I answered them.”

“Do you see your father often?”

“When he wants something, sure. When he has no need for me, I don’t even get a text message.”

“I’m so sor--”

I placed my finger against her lips. “No more apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for. Understood?”

She kissed my finger softly. “Understood.”

Fire pooled in my gut. “Good. Now, are you done with your water?”

She held up the