empty bottle. “Completely drained it. Why?”

“Because I’m ready for round two.”


She squealed as I rolled her over and pinned her beneath me. I crashed my lips against hers and felt our tongues collide, something that would always make my cock stand at attention. I gathered her in my arms and slid off the bed. I hoisted her against me, feeling how sticky she was. And as I walked us into the bathroom, my cock leaked with anticipation of what was to come: the water sliding down her soft curves, the steam swirling around us and blanketing us from the harshness of the world, her sounds flooding my ears as I filled her body with my own. And her sighs of content after she collapsed into my arms and curled against me once we’d both had our fill for the night.



The first thing I felt was a press of his lips against my shoulder. I drew in a deep breath, shifting my sore body as his muscles moved with me. His lips puckered again, this time kissing my upper arm and working down until he kissed every tip of my fingers as I rolled over onto my back.

I groaned. “Not again. I can’t take it.”

Max chuckled. “Don’t worry. I won’t put you through the wringer this morning.”

“This morning?”

I peeked an eye open and watched him grin at me. He lay there at my side, his fingers threading themselves with mine. Max looked positively spent first thing in the morning. His hair was a disheveled mess. His eyes were still half-hooded with sleep. Or lust. Or maybe both. I reached out and traced the small mark I’d left on his shoulder last night. My teeth marks looked so small compared to the rest of him. I let my fingers ramble over the soft red marks I’d left behind.

“Got pretty frisky in the shower there, gorgeous.”

I snickered. “Says the man who practically invaded my body.”

“Are you complaining?”

I giggled sleepily. “Not one bit.”


His arms hooked underneath mine and he pulled me against him. He rolled over, my tired body draped over his like a blanket. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating against my ear. I let my eyes fall closed again as his even breaths lulled me back to sleep. The feeling of his fingers running through my hair sent chills throughout my entire body. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to go back to campus.

But I knew I’d have to eventually.

After falling in and out of sleep with him until almost noon, I relegated myself to fate. I pulled myself out of bed, fumbled around with my clothes, and let Max take me back. I wasn’t sure what day it was, honestly. As I leaned against him, with the motorcycle almost putting me back to sleep, I had no idea what time it was. Or what day of the week.

For all I knew, I’d missed my classes again.

“We’re here.”

His rumbling voice cut through the haze of my sleepiness and I sighed. I pulled my helmet off and slipped off his bike, my heart already aching to be with him again. I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He grinned at me before tossing me a playful wink. And after giving my ass a soft pat, he sent me away to my dorm building.

While he rode off into the sunset.


Wait, no. The sun was too high in the sky for a sunrise.

Is it almost lunch time?

I yawned as I clutched my purse. I fumbled my way inside and into the elevator. I’d never felt so tired, yet so amazing, in all my life. I couldn't wipe the goofy grin off my face as I made my way to my dorm room. Not even Hannah could ruin this for me. I’d done as she asked, so she didn’t have a reason to be upset. I’d messaged her last night to let her know I wasn’t going to be back before morning.

So hopefully, things would be better.

“And where the hell were you all night?”

Or maybe not. “I sent you a message.”