
“Up here, on the right, should be--”

I sighed. “Max, I know what your house looks like.”

He chuckled. “And here I thought you were too busy staring at my ass to know.”

“Nope. That’s your job.”

“And don’t you fucking forget it, Daddy’s girl.”

I rolled my eyes at the nickname as I gingerly maneuvered into his driveway. The lights were on at the back of the house. A good sign that John was there. But I still wasn’t sure. For all I knew, no one was home and the light was on as a simple precaution.

Either way, I had to get Max inside.

“All right, you massive man. Come on. We have to get you out.”

Max chuckled. “And here you keep flattering me. I half expect it to come with a kiss.”

I shoved my door open. “Shut up and help me as much as you can.”

“Wow. Such sass. Just makes you sexier, Bambi.”

I walked around to his side of the car. “You know, those names are going to get old quickly.”

“Then I guess I’ll simply have to start calling you by your real name.”

I slipped his arm around my shoulders. “Dani?”

His lips fell to my ear. “More like ‘gorgeous.’”

How the hell that man could make me blush while he’s practically growling in pain, I had no idea. But I wouldn't let his soft, warm words deter me. He needed help, and quickly. The bags underneath his eyes had already bruised over. The way he held his ribs had me more than concerned. And his stupid lip was still bleeding.

“All right. Take the steps slowly. With me. Ready?”

His grunts with each step didn’t fill my gut with ease. Night hung heavily around us while the crickets chirped and the bats fluttered around. Probably trying to figure out what kind of chaos I had brought to their doorstep, no doubt. Max reached out and opened the door. Just opened it. Unlocked, in the middle of the night, bordering on the woodlands.

His brother has to be here.

“John?” I called out.

“I need to sit.”


“Over there. I’m sorry, but I can’t--”

I snickered. “Don’t be silly. There’s no reason to apologize. John!”

I heard something crash open. “Who the fuck is yelling in my house?”

“It’s--it’s me. Dan--!”

“Fuck,” Max growled.

His foot stumbled over mine and we both went crashing into the wall. I felt Max’s arm wrap around my waist, pulling me from the wall as he ground his teeth through the pain. I kept apologizing underneath my breath as I helped him get to the couch before I spilled him against the cushions. And when he let out a sigh, I heard another set of footsteps cantering down the hallway.

“Who the hell is in my--?”

“It’s me, Dani. I have Max. He’s really hurt.”

I sat next to Max as the cantering footsteps accompanied by his cane rushed down the hallway. I leaned against the arm of the couch, spreading my legs for Max to snuggle against. I reached my arms out for him and pulled him toward me. His head settled just underneath my chin. I felt him trembling, tears in his eyes that he refused to shed. I wanted to help him. I needed to help him. Why the hell didn’t he want--?

“Jesus. What the hell happened to you?”

I smoothed Max’s hair away from his forehead as he drew in a deep breath. But when he went to speak, he started coughing and sputtering. Trying to catch his breath,he rolled over to the edge of the couch and vomited onto the floor.

“I’m concerned he’s got a concussion,” I said.

John looked at me before he grabbed a wooden chair from the corner of the room.

“All right. Let’s take a look atcha.”