I shook my head. “He needs a doctor. Isn’t there someone we can call?”

John gripped Max’s chin. “For emergencies, yeah.”

I snickered. “And this isn’t an emergency?”

Neither of the guys said anything. As Max continued to try and catch his breath, John studied his face. I reached down and pulled up Max’s shirt, showing John the extensive bruising I hadn’t even seen yet. It made me gasp. There were distinct imprints on his skin where the impact had taken place with spidered veins of black and blue and red branching out from all of those impact points.

“Can you roll over so I can see the other side?” John asked.

Max grunted. “Do I have to?”

I huffed. “Are you serious right now?”

John eyed me hotly. “Leave. You’re not much help right now.”

Max growled. “She stays.”

Their eyes connected as I sat there, continuing to smooth Max’s hair back. I felt him sweating. He was in too much pain.

“We have to get him some pain medication. He’s going to pass out,” I said.

John nodded. “Spit for me.”

I paused. “What?”

Max leaned off the couch again and spat onto the hardwood floor.

“No blood. That’s good,” John murmured.

Max’s jaw moved around. “Not broken. But I think I chipped a t--oh, fuck.”

“What?” I asked quickly.

Max opened his jaw for his brother. John moved as if he knew what to do with the motion. Everything that took place between the two of them seemed consistent. Routine.

As if they’d done this before.

“Yep. Your canine’s chipped. But your back left molar’s missing. That’s gonna be an issue.”

I sat up. “Let me see.”

But when Max grunted at my movement, I quickly sat back into place. And found John’s stare on me again.

“You can support him or work on him. But you can’t do both. Choose your place, and choose it now.”

I nodded slowly. “Support. Always.”

I felt Max’s hand fall against my shin. His fingertips drew soft designs against the fabric of my pants. I started running my fingers through his hair again, pulling my eyes away from his brother, who was staring at me with a look I couldn't interpret.

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“It’s going to be okay, Max. Just relax,” I whispered.

John scooted closer. “Do you have any idea who jumped you?”

I paused. “How did you know he was--?”

Max held up his hand. “No clue. But they got a damn good piece of me before they bailed.”