Page 20 of Let Go

We discovered new positions and I came so many times I lost count. Even after I collapsed, she sucked me again until I was hard, then took over on top, riding me until she came another few times and to my shock I did too.

When her body was too sore to take me anymore and cum was coating her body, she finally gave up, laying down next to me as we fell into a stupor for a good hour before I woke up, parched.

“You stay right here, I’ll get us something to drink.”

“I don’t think I can walk, so that won’t be a problem.”

I head for the refrigerator, grabbing us two waters and twisting one open, and hear my phone chiming in my bag. I haven’t looked at it since this morning. It’s late afternoon now and the weight of my life outside this utopia suddenly feels like a weight around my neck.

I reach down into my bag, grabbing the phone but not looking at the screen, unable to bring myself to interrupt the most perfect day of my life. I take the bottles back to the bedroom, setting one on the nightstand along with my phone, then hold the open bottle to Teah’s lips, letting her take a long drink.

Her auburn hair is a sex mess as she sits up and I lay down on my side, propped on my elbow to admire her.

“I love you, Teah. I’m as sure of that as I am of anything in my life. I’m going to take care of you. Take care of us. It’s the only thing in my life that has made sense to me in so long.”

Her smile relaxes me and I take a drink of the cool water, feeling it slide down my throat, the scent of her pussy still on my face.

She opens her mouth to say something, but a horn honking outside breaks the moment.

I shift upward, looking out the window of the small bedroom and see a car kicking up dust. Just one at first.

Then another. And more coming down the small dirt road behind those.

More horns, then voices calling my name.

“Lachlan Marcus!”

Teah’s eyes go wide, looking to me and gathering the sheet up and around her naked body.

“What’s going on?” Her panicked voice cuts me. “Who is that?”

“I don’t know.” I’m up and in my jeans in a heartbeat, ready to go to war with whoever and whatever this is that is infiltrating our world and bringing fear to Teah’s eyes.

There are more voices and I go to the window.

“There! I see him.” A man with an enormous camera sees me in the window and brings it to his eye, snapping pictures. “It’s him. Lachlan! Who’s the girl? Who’s the lucky girl from the chapel?”

My blood runs cold and I hear Teah’s voice behind me, questioning in fear, asking what’s going on.

I back away from the window, grab my phone as it rings again. It’s Beverly.

Teah is staring at me as I answer.


“Lachlan. It’s all over the news. It’s everywhere. They know about the wedding and they will find you. You have to get out now. I’ve got a security detail heading your way, but they won’t get there soon enough. Go somewhere safe and let me know, I’ll send them to you to get you out. The vultures are coming, Lachlan.”

Her words send knives into my heart as the sounds outside increase.

“Teah, get dressed.” I order, hating the look of fear in her eyes as she scrambles around and does as I say.

More cars, more voices, more cameras flashing and we are trapped. Teah is crying, cowering into the bathroom, questioning me, and all I can do is wrap her in my arms and try to figure a way out of this.

I reply to Beverly as my blood turns cold. “They’re already here.”



“Just stay right here.” Lachlan holds me by the shoulders, his eyes wild as I lean against the bathroom sink, trying to get my bearings. We dressed so fast, I barely even noticed it.

People are outside the cabin, screaming his name. His name.

Not mine, I tell myself. Not mine.

But I can’t hold back the fear, the memories from before. It all comes flooding back. The messiah in the group where my parents lived. That’s what they called him. The man who led us from before I was born until I was ten years old. His visions told us where to go, what to do, what to think. And when I’d shown my ability to have visions as well, I became tangled to him. To the group.

Only, he didn’t have visions. He faked everything. But he validated my visions and I validated his because I didn’t know what else to do. Then, one day, the FBI, the government, came for him and they came for me as well.