Page 19 of Let Go

“This is…” She looks up, setting the paper down, her shoulders shaking slightly. “It’s real. Really real…”

“Teah.” I’m up on my knees in front of her, the paper she handed me set aside as my hands cover her cheeks. “I have one question.” Her eyes search mine. “In your backpack, is there a white dress? The one you saw in your vision? The one I saw in mine?”

Her mouth falls open, tears drop from her lower lids and traverse down her cheeks onto my hands as she nods.

“Then we’re getting dressed. We’re getting married today.” I gulp down the knot in my throat. “That’s why we are in Chaplain. That church, or chapel or whatever it is. That’s what we both saw, that’s where we are going. You are going to be my wife.”

THE JUSTICE OF THE Peace at Chaplain Chapel straightens his glasses and looks from Teah to me. He’s got to be a hundred years old and barely looked at either of us as we did the paperwork and showed our identifications.

The entire time, I held my breath in fear that he would recognize me and say something. I want Teah to love me for me, not for the image of what I am. In my gut, I know I’ll have to tell her, but not until she’s mine in every way. I just know this is right and nothing in the world will stop me from making her my wife.

There was a moment, back at the cabin, when we were getting ready to leave. She looked at me with such excitement and anticipation in her eyes and asked simply, “We’re crazy aren’t we?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation, and smiled at the moment of panic in her eyes. “Everything worth doing is half-crazy I think. It’s our life, Teah. Ours.”

It seemed like that was enough. She smiled and relaxed, and we were soon on our way.

The ceremony is short and sweet. The white cotton dress she wears looks exactly like the one in my vision, her hair falling loose and free around her shoulders. Her feet bare. She’s glowing, sun shining through the windows of the white chapel, and it’s hard to concentrate as I look at her and try to calm the hard on that presses up and out on my jeans as the ancient man finishes up reciting the words he must have said thousands of times.

It’s unseasonably warm today, chasing away the freezing rain and weather in which I found Teah just last night. It seems even mother nature approves of our union.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Our lips meet, and I lift her up and against me, spinning us around and down the aisle, and then out the front door. Teah is kissing and giggling and the vision of her being already ripe with a baby floats through my head.

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done.” She manages in a breathless whisper as I set her down and reach out to take both of her hands in mine.

“Me too. But tell me it doesn’t feel right. Tell me we don’t feel like we fit. Like we’ve been together for a long time.”

“It does. It feels right.”

“You know what else feels right?” I pull her into me, the length of my cock throbbing and painful, desperately wanting her.

“Oh yes? What’s that?” The smirk on her lips is playful.

“Getting you back to the cabin and wrapping that soaking mess between your legs around my cock. Because I know you’re wet, aren’t you?” I bend down and kiss her neck and she arches into me.

“I think that sounds like the perfect honeymoon.”

With that, I scoop her up, yelping and laughing, and carry her to the car. There are a few people on the street and they stop to look at our happy scene and for a second, the fear I could be recognized hits me. But I’m focused on getting her back to the cabin where I can show her over and over just how I’m going to love her for the rest of our lives.



I never thought I’d think this, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep up with her. I’m thinking she may be the death of me.

After we got back from the chapel, Teah was as ravenous for me as I was for her. When I called her my wife it was like the words set something free. She nearly tore my clothes off, dropping to her knees with a fury before sucking me off, all the while looking up at me with those wide eyes. And to my joy and shame it was only a few minutes before I filled her throat, but I wasn’t done. Oh no. I spun her around and fucked her with such wild frenzy I truly felt like the wolf from our visions.