Page 15 of Claiming Holly

“They don’t make them like Holly here, that is for sure.”


Lunch was amazing. I loved meeting Rachel. She was nicer than she was beautiful, if that was even possible. If Bryant raised her, then he must be much more than he seemed. Rachel made me want to get to know him better. Not just sexually but emotionally. The more she talked about him, the more I realized those moments of kindness that had come through so far were indeed the basis of the man.

“You sure you can’t come over tonight? Bring Sophie. We can all have a nice dinner.”

“Sophie and I volunteer every year at the food bank. They barely get any volunteers. It’s a tradition, and those are important to me.”

“Let me help, then.”

“You want to come by the food bank and sort food?” I looked down at his clothing. His shoes alone probably cost more than my rent.

“Yes. Let me organize it. I will bring reinforcements.”

I got into the car, and he leaned over and buckled me in. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “I would fuck you right here in the car and make you beg for more, but my sister is kind of watching. Tonight will be all about helping others, but tomorrow, I am going to fuck you sideways. See you later, beautiful.” And with that, Bryant Sommers walked away, leaving me feeling light-headed.

Chapter Nine


When Sophie and I got to the food bank, the place was packed. In all the years I had come here, either to pick up food or to volunteer, it had never been this crowded with people.

“Hey, Sophie. Ready to sort some food?” Tony, the manager, said jovially as he high-fived us both.

“Tony, it’s insane here today. I am so glad you got some people to come and help. This is amazing.”

“Isn’t it? The Panthers’ whole team came in, and they each brought a friend or two.”

The Panthers. It took a minute to sink in that was the team Bryant played for. As if my brain conjured him up, he appeared, wearing a black Panthers hooded sweatshirt and a pair of faded jeans.

“Hey, Holly. When you told me about this place, I decided to call up a few buddies and ask them to pitch in.” As he was talking, he got down on one knee and looked Sophie in the eyes. “You must be Sophie. Your momma has nothing but good things to say about you.” Sophie presented her hand, and Bryant shook it.

“What a firm handshake you’ve got there. You ready to sort some food, Sophie?” She looked at me to make sure it was okay, and when I nodded, she grabbed Bryant’s hand and off they went.

“That man sure is smitten with you,” Tony said with a chuckle. I looked at Tony, not sure what gave him such an insane idea. Sure, Bryant wanted to have sex with me, maybe even enjoyed my company, but he was definitely nothing more. At least, not on his side. I just smiled at Tony and walked off to join everyone else. Bryant Sommers wasn’t the kind of man who fell for a woman like me, and I had to be careful about my feelings for him.


Sophie reminded me of Rachel. She was incredibly sweet and kind. She was also a little obsessive-compulsive for a kid. When Muller, the team’s left winger, packed a small tin beside a big one, she walked up to him and informed him that a job should always be done right or it wasn’t worth doing. The look on the six-foot-five giant’s face was priceless. A little six-year-old had put him in his place, something I haven’t been able to do in the last five years.

“How come she can stare you down and it works?” I asked in jest.

“If you were as adorable as she is, I would humor you too. The kid is pretty spectacular. If I could guarantee me one of those, then maybe I would settle down. By the way, you know who that hot brunette is over there? I wouldn’t mind a night or two with her.” I looked over to where he was pointing, and I saw red.

“You stay the fuck away from her, Muller, or I will plow your head through a wall.” My words were clear, slow, and lethal. Judging by Muller’s eyes, I knew he fully understood that I meant what I said.

“Whoa! That was a little intense, man. You have never been crazy like that before.”

“I tend not to like other men infringing on what is mine. She is mine. You better tell the others to stay the fuck away.”

“You’d better hurry up and tell that to Davis over there.”


“So, you do this every year?” the man asked, getting closer and closer to me. He was beginning to make me uncomfortable. I could smell a little whiskey on his breath, and the smell was both sweet and putrid. I slowly moved away, trying to get into my own space.