Page 16 of Claiming Holly

“Yes, we do this every year. It’s nice to give back.” I tried to focus on the box of food in front of me, hoping avoidance would make him get the hint, but it didn’t work. He kept moving closer and closer.

“Davis, stay on your side of the damn table, and leave my girl alone.” Bryant’s voice came out of nowhere. I looked up and saw him right in the other man’s face. Hands fisted, teeth clenched, he looked like a wild animal. I had seen flares of his temper but nowhere close to the rage coming off his body at that moment.

“Relax, Sommers. Me and this pretty little thing were just getting to know each other. Isn’t that right, honey?” I walked over to Bryant and put my hand on his chest, trying to get his temper under control. I could feel the violent throbbing of his heart. It felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest.

“Bryant, it’s fine. I am fine. Please don’t. Not here. Sophie is just over there, and she will get scared.” His gaze locked with mine, and I could feel my heart rate begin to slow. He then glanced up at Davis, his eyes once again cold. He gently moved me behind him and stepped right up to Davis.

“Listen here, Davis. I know what kind of drunk piece of shit you are. But this here is my woman. You stay the fuck away from her, or I will make your face uglier than it already is.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trevor running over with a woman trailing behind him.

“Bryant, can I talk to you for a moment?”

Bryant started Davis down. “Go to Muller’s table. Now.” He snarled at Davis in a low, animalistic growl.

“What is it, Trevor?” Bryant said as he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Holly, can you excuse us for a moment?”

“You can talk in front of Holly.”

Trevor looked flustered and infuriated. I knew in the state Bryant was in right now, he wouldn’t walk away from me. I pushed myself away gently, almost having to pry his hand off my waist.

“I am going to go and see how Sophie is doing over there. Why don’t you join us when you’re done?” Bryant nodded, and as I was leaving, he grabbed my hand and brought me back to him. He clutched my head with both hands and planted one of the most passionate kisses in the world on me. It was the type of kiss you saw in movies. His hands threaded into my hair, and he pushed my lips open with his tongue to get more. This kiss was different. It wasn’t the normal sexual attraction kiss that we’d shared in the past. This kiss was filled with need, want, and passion—all-consuming passion.

I walked over to Sophie, who was organizing soup cans with Rachel. When the little girl noticed me, she ran over and threw her arms around me.

“Mommy, this is amazing. Have you met Rachel? She is Bryant’s sister. She is so cool. I was wondering, can she babysit me sometime? I know Mrs. Miller usually does, but Rachel is so awesome.” I looked at Rachel and smiled. Bryant’s sister was definitely as sweet as she was beautiful.

“I am sure Rachel has other things to do, honey.”

“Actually, Bryant told me you guys had a lot of work to do tomorrow. If you need a sitter for Sophie, I am more than available.”

“Please, Mommy. Mrs. Miller can come over. We can all have dinner. She has been with me every night. She could use a break.” I laughed at Sophie’s negotiation skills. For a six-year-old, she definitely knew how to make her case. I always pictured her being a lawyer when she was older.

“I’m sure Rachel is busy, sweetheart.”

“I would love to spend the evening hanging with this one.” Rachel squeezed Sophie to her.

“Are you sure?” I asked earnestly.

“Absolutely. Sophie and I are already great pals.”

I agreed, and we went back to work. We stayed at the food bank for two hours. With all hands on deck, we finished in record time. Tony was so grateful for all the help that he actually went around hugging everyone. The looks on the hockey players’ faces were nothing short of hilarious. Each graciously hugged him back except for Davis. He moved away as if being touched by Tony would mean he would catch on fire. He came off as a real asshole. When everyone was packing up, Bryant came up to me and was careful not to touch me suggestively around Sophie.

“That was so much fun.” Sophie chirped with excitement. It warmed my heart that she was always so happy when she could help others, but I felt Bryant and Rachel had something to do with her mood tonight.