Page 19 of A Perfect Mess

I know everyone around us will feel it’s too soon, too soon to be so sure about a relationship that just started. But I’ve known ever since the night she beat me in air hockey. Crosby Dashen is it for me. It was just a matter of waiting for her to catch up with me. And now we have to wait for everyone else too.

In the living room, Jim and I sit and talk like we always do. He’s a man of few words, concerned mainly with his company and his family. Jim will drink a beer and watch a game, whereas my father always wants to debate the latest economic theories. Now that Jim’s so sick, I feel like I already miss him. I want to reassure him I’ll never hurt Crosby, break her heart, or treat her like less than the jewel that she is.

“I’ll take care of her,” I say to Jim.

He nods his head, slaps me on the back. “I know you will, West. You’re one of the good ones. I’m protective of my daughter, but I know you’ll take care of her. I trust you, Weston. Always have, always will.” In a lot of ways, I’m closer to the Dashens than I am to my own parents.

It’s not Jim who I have to relay my loyalty to. It’s Diana and Asa who will be the hardest to convince.

Crosby comes in from the kitchen, wiping her wet hands on her jeans. She was always stunning, but watching her mature and gain confidence, come into her own, has been a privilege to witness. It seems for both of us, the two years apart only made us more certain.

“Don’t worry about your mother, BeBe, she’ll come around. As far as I’m concerned, you picked the right man.”

Jim means a lot to me. I extend my hand to his shoulder. I wish he weren’t sick and that I could take the pain away for him. It’s difficult to watch Asa and Crosby suffer too…and Diana. I’m glad he’s not stressed after finding out about Crosby and me. He could have broken my nose too, a fact that I’m fully aware of.

“I’ve got classes to plan. I should call it a night,” I say, glancing at my watch. Crosby is looking at me like she wants to eat me for dessert. I feel the same way. Now that I’ve gotten a taste of her, it makes me want more. Kisses and licks were an appetizer, and I can’t wait for the main course.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” Crosby offers.

“You can walk me to the door.” I don’t want her outside alone. I know she’s an adult, and I know she can handle herself. But a part of me will never surrender the idea that she is mine to protect, younger and more vulnerable. It was drilled into my brain growing up by Jim and Diana that Asa and I were responsible for Crosby whenever we were with her.

In the hallway, she wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into my body. We are two halves of a whole, and coming together with her finally is the most fulfilling feeling I’ve ever known.

I touch Crosby’s hairline as I stare into her eyes.

“I’ve been dreaming of loving you for a very long time.”

It might sound implausible to anyone who doesn’t know us, but I’ve somehow always known that Crosby was it for me—that no other woman could satisfy me like she does, or hold the place in my heart that’s always belonged to her.

“Are you okay with what happened? With telling your parents?”

“If you’re brave enough to tell Asa, I can handle telling anyone. Will it affect your friendship?” Concern mars her brow, and I caress my thumb over the worry lines that have appeared.

“Crosby, I love Asa with all my heart. He’s the closest thing I have to a brother. But I’d be lying if I said his approval was my priority. You come first, Crosby—it’s what you think and feel that matter the most to me.”

She can’t take the directness of my confession and hides her face in my shirt. As I hold her to my chest, my feelings erupt volcanically from my overflowing heart. This girl holds the key to both my future and my happiness. What I want is for our relationship to be okay with her, then family and friends can fall into place afterward.

“Did you mean what you said?” she whispers without looking at me.

“That I love you?” I ask. Crosby nods her head against my chest. I stroke her long strawberry-blonde hair as she continues to hide her face.

“Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove.” I can’t help but quote Marlowe. You can take a teacher out of the classroom…