Page 20 of A Perfect Mess

She finally looks at me, and her eyes sparkle with both joy and possible debauchery.

“I can’t wait to come live with you, Professor Abernathy. I’ll make sure I’m your favorite student.” A look of jealousy flashes across her face, which she immediately seems to counter with a look of determination.

I hold her jaw and stare into her fiery eyes. Crosby has always been a bit of a challenge. Not a girl to conquer or to capture, but a girl to match in intelligence, wit, and gumption. I wouldn’t have her any other way. Her skin is as soft as a rose petal, her lips the perfect bud.

“Make me immortal with a kiss.” I’ll quote all night if she keeps me feeling so high.

Her mouth on mine is the secret those literary greats speak of. Fire, light, and liquefied gold. I’ve been waiting my whole life to hold her like this.



Weston makes me drop the class, even though I found it erotic sitting in a room full of freshman girls who wanted to take him to bed. Mostly because I knew he’d never touch a single one with a ten-foot pole. That’s what love does, at least to West and me. Makes us so crazy into the other that we’ll never stray—not the tiniest bit. Weston has eyes only for me, and it turns out, I am the one with the insatiable sex drive. He drives me insane with that tight body hidden under his sexy suits, his sultry dark eyes and full lips that I dream about at night.

He insists on waiting. Like a true gentleman, he wants our first time to be perfect. The waiting is making me nuts. I want him inside of me—and I am dying to know what going all the way feels like. But we’ve done everything else under the sun. I’ve become acquainted with his body, all of its sensitive spots, what drives him crazy, and what makes him come. Just because my parents know doesn’t mean we flaunt it in front of them. We are physical at Weston’s house only, and he insists on always having me home by midnight.

In a couple of months, Asa will be home from his mission. Although we can’t wait to see him, we’re also both nervous. I don’t want their relationship to change, and I know it will. And I don’t want our relationship to change—the one between my brother and me, but I already know it will have to. We’ll still be our threesome, with the two of them looking out for me, but I’ve gone and edged Asa out as Weston’s confidant and partner. Asa will now have to play second-best. Rather than of the two of them dropping me off, we’ll be dropping off Asa instead. Eventually, I’m sure, Asa will enter into a committed relationship and the dynamic will change, but until that happens, he’ll probably hate us both and secretly want to wring both of our necks.

My classes are done for the day, and Weston is picking me up at home to go out for dinner and a movie. I’m not supposed to—actually, I’ve been forbidden from going to his office on campus because he doesn’t want to raise any suspicion. On one hand, I don’t want him to lose his job. On the other, I am an excellent rule-breaker, and the temptation is too tantalizing to pass up.

I knock timidly on the door. It’s good they gave West his own office even though he’s only an adjunct. A shared office space wouldn’t exactly work for the type of office hours I’m interested in.

I wonder if the professor has a ruler or a paddle of some sort he’d like to use on me. I can be bad. Look, I’m breaking his stupid rules right now.

“Come in,” Weston says from behind the closed door.

The professor has no idea what he’s in for.

After dipping in the door, I slam it closed behind me. I press my back up to the only exit and drop my bag on the floor.

“Do you have office hours?” I whisper to Weston. He looks surprised, then anger flits across his face, soon to be replaced by a look of satisfaction he can’t hide, although he tries. He’s happy to see me even when he’s pissed at me.

“For you, Miss Dashen? Or for my other students?”

“I’d like to lodge a complaint to the head of the department. That Professor Abernathy, although excellent at what he does, doesn’t take me seriously enough. He’s always accusing me of asking for extra attention.”

I’m wearing pull-on linen Capri pants, a loose sweater, and clogs. I shuck them all as I deliver my soliloquy to a ticked-off professor who glares at me through his sexy glasses. His arms are crossed; he’s chewing on one side of his lower lip. He does this whenever he’s mad and doesn’t want to be. I like Weston’s temper. I love that he’s passionate and feels emotions strongly. I even kind of secretly like the fact that he’s so straitlaced. Weston has integrity, and it’s not something he compromises. Once in a blue moon, he will bend for me. When he does it, I feel special, like I’m the only one who can break through this mountain of a man to get to the tender part.