Because whether he was in a room with them or not, Robbie’s memories of Julien and Priest were so vivid that he sometimes imagined he could hear their voices when they weren’t there.

It would’ve been embarrassing if they could read his mind to see just how hard he was—what? Falling for them? Yeah, that’s totally what’s going on here. I’m falling all over myself for them. God…

Robbie finished toweling off, and then pulled open the bedroom door, and the image that greeted him made him more than aware that he had to be careful of how fast he allowed himself to move here, because every second he spent with them, Robbie got in deeper.

The light from the en suite spilled into the room and surrounded Julien and Priest where they lay on the mattress. The covers had been kicked off the end of the bed, and Julien was stretched out naked with his legs spread wide. His hands were gently stroking Priest’s hair as he lay between Julien’s thighs with his cheek resting on Julien’s hip and his eyes shut.

They looked relaxed and peaceful. A far cry from what they’d been when Robbie had arrived earlier, and when Julien spotted him and offered an inviting smile, Robbie walked toward the bed.

As Robbie climbed onto the mattress, Priest shifted slightly but didn’t open his eyes as Julien continued to stroke his hair.

Robbie carefully scooted in close until he was lying on his side with only inches separating them, and then he whispered, “He sleeps. I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen proof.”

Julien’s eyes softened as he looked down to Priest. “It’s rare, but oui, he does sleep.”

“That’s good, right?”

“That’s very good. I wasn’t sure he would anymore tonight.”

Robbie yawned as he slipped his hands under his cheek on the pillow. “He hardly said anything to me in there. I wasn’t even sure what to do, but…”

“Whatever you did was parfait. You, as yourself, are exactly who he needed tonight. He’ll talk when he’s ready. He always does.” Julien brought his hand up to touch Robbie’s chin. “Now it’s time for you to get some sleep.”

Robbie nodded and heard Julien whisper, “Close your eyes, princesse. Everything’s going to be all right.”

Yes, Robbie thought, as his mind began to drift off.

Tonight he’d come to these men—his men—and as he fell asleep beside them, he knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

Robbie Bianchi was finally home.

Chapter Two


A relationship is more likely to work

if all involved are on the same page

and speak the same language.

“BONJOUR, PRINCESSE,” JULIEN said when Robbie emerged from their bedroom dressed in a grey robe, squinting against the sunlight that was filtering through the balcony doors. It was still early, and judging by the yawn and the adorable way Robbie was rubbing at his eyes, it was way too early for him to be up and about.

“Morning,” Robbie said, as he walked across the living room and took a seat on the opposite side of the kitchen counter. “Coffee. Please tell me you have coffee and not just that green stuff.”

Julien smirked as he took a mug from one of the cabinets, and then walked over to their coffee machine. “Oui, I have coffee. How do you take it?”

“In an IV?”

Julien glanced over his shoulder to see Robbie grin at him.

“Black this morning, please. I need the hit.” Robbie ran a hand over his mussed-up hair. “How are you so awake? You were up as late as we were last night.”

Julien came around the counter, kissed Robbie’s cheek, and put the steaming mug down in front of him. “That green stuff.” Robbie screwed his nose up, and Julien shook his head. “Ahh, I see Priest now has an ally in his boycotting of my juice?”

Robbie brought the cup up to his lips and blew on the hot brew. “The jury’s still out on that. But after what I saw you put in it? Yeah… I think I’ll stick to caffeine this morning, especially if you want me functioning.”

“Well, I definitely want that,” Julien said, as he ran his eyes down over Robbie. “By the way, you look good in Priest’s robe.”

A shocked expression crossed Robbie’s face as he looked down his body, and then he returned those wide eyes to Julien. “I thought this was yours.”

“Non. I prefer as little clothing as possible,” Julien said, unable to stop the laugh that left his throat when Robbie looked guiltily over his shoulder. “Stop fretting, princesse. He won’t care. In fact, I have a feeling it will please him very much to see you dressed in his clothes.”

Robbie twisted his lips at that and then sighed. “I don’t know why I worry so much about him.”

“Yes, you do,” Julien said. “You want to please him.”

“Ugh, that’s just…just…” Robbie sputtered a little, but instead of making something up, he changed course. “Well, I want to please you too.”