Knowing he wouldn’t get any answers by just standing there, he continued in the direction of the bathroom where he knew Priest would be. When he reached the doorway and stepped inside, the large aquarium that had once captured his attention now played second fiddle to the man who was lounging in the porcelain tub with his back to him.

Priest’s thick hair was darker than usual, as though he’d run his wet hands through it, and his arms were up on the rim, where he was tapping out a steady beat that didn’t falter, didn’t once waver, as Robbie walked further into the room.

When he reached the side of the tub and stopped, Priest angled his head and let his gaze wander up Robbie’s jeans to his plain white Henley, and when their eyes collided, Robbie could instantly see what Julien had been speaking of.

Troubled. That was the word Julien had used. Priest had received “troubling news,” and it was right there in his eyes that were usually so focused, as they drifted off over Robbie’s shoulder to look at nothing in particular.

It was apparent that no talk was wanted for the moment, and when Priest turned to look up at his fish, Robbie wondered if that was his cue to leave. He stood there staring down at the silent man he had started to believe he knew, and realized that perhaps he’d been wrong. Maybe he’d rushed into all of this without thinking, because he suddenly had no idea what he was supposed to do next.

Robbie swallowed around the lump that had lodged in his throat, and as he looked over his shoulder, ready to go back out and find Julien, he felt the light touch of fingers against his own. He glanced down to see that Priest had reached out to him, and this time when their eyes connected, there was an unspoken request: stay.

Robbie looked around the bathroom, trying to decide what to do next, then his eyes landed on the towels that were neatly folded over a silver bar attached to the tiled wall and he had an idea.

Both Priest and Julien had said that the one thing that grounded Priest most in his life was control. Control of his surroundings so he wouldn’t think about everything else swirling out of his grasp. So maybe if Robbie gave him something to focus on…maybe if he gave Priest complete control over him right here and now, Robbie could somehow calm whatever was wreaking havoc behind that inscrutable expression.

Robbie took one of the towels from the bar and folded it over, then he dropped it down on the floor by the tub.

Priest’s eyes narrowed slightly at the move, but then he finally spoke. “Strip.”

Robbie’s heart soared at the order. Knowing that he’d just read the situation and man right filled him with a sense of accomplishment he’d never experienced before, and, without another word, he stripped.

Not a minute later, Robbie stood as naked as the man lying beneath the water, and finally Priest ran his eyes over him.

The last time they’d been in this situation, Robbie remembered how hard his heart had been beating, not to mention how hard other parts of him had been. He’d been aroused and nervous, on edge about how he’d been feeling and what was going to happen later that night. But this time around, as he stood there for Priest, along with the arousal, he felt something different: compassion.

He wanted to help Priest, to heal him, as silly as that may sound. But right then, Robbie knew he could offer Priest something that no one else could—total acquiescence.

“Kneel by me,” Priest said, and Robbie went to his knees.

When he was on eye level with Priest, he reached for Robbie and ran his finger down his jaw line. “Are you here to stay, Robert?”

Robbie knew without a doubt what Priest was asking. Was he moving in? And Robbie licked his lower lip and said without reservation, “Yes.”

Priest slowly nodded. “And right here, right now with me… Are you comfortable where you are?”

Robbie had never been more so—and wasn’t that eye-opening for someone who prided himself of being fabulously independent and strong-willed? “Yes.”

“Good. I like seeing you there. More than I probably should.”

A flush of pleasure swept over him, and when he went to respond, Priest touched his fingers to Robbie’s lips.

“Shh,” Priest said. “No more for now. Just be here. That is enough. You being here with us, it’s as it should be.”

AFTER THAT, ROBBIE had willingly washed Priest from head to toe and had been completely shocked when Priest then climbed out of the tub and went down on his knees.

What was probably more shocking, though, Robbie thought, as he turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower, was the fact that during that moment, he’d been just as consumed with what his heart was feeling as his body—and when it came to these two men, there were a whole lot of “never befores” going on.