When Julien’s heavy-lidded eyes found his, Robbie’s heart thumped and the smug expression on Priest’s face told him what Robbie already suspected—they knew exactly what they were doing to him.

“Oh shit,” Bianca whispered. “That’s a lot of man staring at you right now.”

Hell yes it is, Robbie thought as his dick reacted to the attention as though it had just been sucked.

“Why don’t you clock out and go home?” Bianca said. “I can handle closing.”

Oh God, Robbie would’ve kissed her if he’d had it in him to look away from the men still watching him. As it was, he wasn’t that strong, and instead watched as Priest leaned forward to nip at Julien’s ear. “You…uh, you sure?”

“Positive,” Bianca said. “Alex and I have got this.”

Robbie took another look over his shoulder, caught Priest’s eye, and then indicated the back room with a tilt of his head. Then he said to Bianca, “I owe you.”

“Yes, you do. Not only for offering to let you go early but because you have two men when I can’t even find one. That’s just greedy.”

Robbie grinned, unable to hold back the pleasure he felt at those words, because hell if it wasn’t true. He did have two men.

Two amazing men who were waiting to take him home and do all kinds of naughty things to him, judging by the promises in their eyes, and he wasn’t about to wait another minute to get out of there.

PRIEST WATCHED ROBBIE disappear out the back door of the bar, and his cock throbbed at the thought of finally getting him home and out of that uniform. Julien was good and tipsy, his troubles long gone, and in their place was a desire to get naked and distracted, and tonight Priest would let him get away with that.

Priest put his lips to Julien’s ear much as he had a second ago and said, “You ready?”

“Oui,” Julien said, and Priest looked into his relaxed eyes and smirked. “What, mon amour?”

“I was just wondering if you’re going to be able to stand.”

“I’m not drunk,” Julien said, as he slid out of the booth. “I just feel…” As his words drifted off, Priest got to his feet and wrapped an arm around Julien’s shoulders.

“Mmm. I feel you…” Julien said as he put a hand on Priest’s chest and nuzzled into his neck. “You smell délicieusement bon.”

“Julien…let’s get out of the bar before things get embarrassing,” Priest said, his dick threatening to announce just how good Julien felt in his arms.

The throaty chuckle that left Julien didn’t help issues, and neither did the tongue that flicked over Priest’s earlobe. “Aww, am I making it hard for you to walk?”

“You’re certainly not making it easy,” Priest said as he grabbed Julien’s coat and helped him into it. “Come on, let’s go and find Robert.”

“Oui. Let’s find him and get him naked. I want to get inside our princesse…”

Priest grunted in response, took Julien’s hand, and led him through the bar, and once they were out on the sidewalk, he tugged Julien in close.

Priest had been keeping an eye on him all night to make sure Julien wasn’t spiraling off in the wrong direction, but it seemed as though this was exactly what he needed. A few drinks and the distraction of their sexy boyfriend, who they were now on the hunt for, and judging by that final look Robbie had aimed their way before his disappearing act, he knew exactly what he was in for tonight—and was eager for it to begin.

As Priest led them around to where the back entrance of the bar was, they were just in time to see Robbie step outside in his black puffy coat with his messenger bag slung across his body. As the door shut behind him, Robbie turned in their direction, and when he spotted them, he raked his teeth over his lip. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started toward them, and the floodlight that lit up the small parking lot highlighted him in all the right places.

The light strands in his hair. The sharp angles of his wicked-high cheekbones. And when Robbie was close enough that Priest could see his eyes, he noticed they were darker than usual. Their princess was aroused, and fuck if they weren’t going to take him home and do something about that.

“Hey,” Robbie said as they all came to a stop opposite one another, and his eyes moved from Priest to Julien, and then back to Priest. “Is everything okay? I figured I would just meet you both at—”

Robbie’s words came to an abrupt halt as Julien walked forward, backing Robbie up to the wall behind him and out of the floodlight that spilled over the small parking lot. When he had him where he wanted him, Julien took Robbie’s lips in a fierce kiss, making Robbie moan.